Shared deck

The Thricefold Discord The Thricefold Discord
Chaos Chaos

Card sets (2)

Seismic Shock Rivals DeckThe Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Nemesis Relic Open

Not valid:
Championship Rivals

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
SS2 Claim the Prize Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Your warband holds each objective in one or more territories (including no one's territory)
And: Your warband holds two or more objectives in one or more of those territories.
3 - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
SS5 Manipulating the Realmsphere Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband cast more spells than each other warband in the preceding action phase.
1 - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 4/44 (9.09%)  
SS6 Places of Power Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Each surviving friendly fighter is in a hazard hex or on an objective
And: There are two or more surviving friendly fighters.
2 - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - -  
SS9 Sorcerous Treasure-hunter Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
One or more friendly wizards are each holding an objective
And: One or more of those wizards each have three or more upgrades.
2 - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 8/44 (18.18%)  
SS13 Abasoth's Screaming Idols Universal Spell Gambit Spell (ChannelChannel): If cast, pick one feature token within 3 hexes of the caster. Move that feature token 1 hex. After you have done so, if a fighter is on that feature token, deal 1 damage to that fighter.
- - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck ? - 6/44 (13.64%)  
SS20 Mindwipe Universal Spell Before the casting roll pick ChannelChannel or FocusFocus: that is the casting value of this spell.
Gambit Spell (ChannelChannel): If cast, choose one enemy fighter within 4 hexes of the caster. The chosen fighter cannot hold objectives until the end of the round.
Gambit Spell (FocusFocus): If cast, pick one feature token within 4 hexes of the caster. Move that feature token 1 hex.
- - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
SS21 Stir the Nest Universal Spell Gambit Spell (ChannelChannel): If cast, choose an enemy fighter within 4 hexes of the caster that is on a feature token or in a hazard hex. Deal 1 damage to the chosen fighter.
- - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 5/44 (11.36%)  
SS23 Abasoth's Adaptive Assault Universal Upgrade Spell Attack action

Hex 3 FocusFocus - Damage 1

+1 Damage to this spell Attack action if the target is Inspired.
+1 Damage to this spell Attack action if the target is on a feature token.
- Wizard Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - -  
SS30 Quintok's Unseen Hand Universal Upgrade Flick (Spell Action) (FocusFocus): During this action, this fighter has line of sight to each enemy fighter. If cast, choose one enemy fighter within 6 hexes of the caster. Pick one: push the chosen fighter 1 hex, or stagger the chosen fighter. If the casting roll included one or more Critical successCritical success, do both.
- Wizard Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - -  
SS31 Sorcerous Might Universal Upgrade This fighter's spell Attack actions have Critical successCritical success Grievous 1. This card cannot affect spell Attack actions with a Damage characteristic or 3 or greater.
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TD1 Born of Damnation The Thricefold Discord Objective Surge: Score this immediately after playing your second or subsequent Temptation card in the same phase.
1 - The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck - -  
TD2 Cacophony The Thricefold Discord Objective Surge: Score this immediately after your warband's fourth or subsequent casting roll in the same phase.
1 - The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck - -  
TD3 Cruel Chorus The Thricefold Discord Objective Surge: Score this immediately after your warband casts a second or subsequent spell in the same phase.
1 - The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck - -  
TD4 Escalating Screams The Thricefold Discord Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's successful supported Attack action.
1 - The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck - -  
TD5 Euphoric Killers The Thricefold Discord Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
One or more enemy fighters are out of action
And: Two or more surviving friendly fighters are Inspired.
2 - The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck - -  
TD6 Fuelled by Pain The Thricefold Discord Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an opponent's activation step if each surviving friendly fighter has one or more wound counters.
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TD9 Triumph of Carnality The Thricefold Discord Objective Score this in an end phase if four or more fighters each have one or more wound counters and/or are out of action.
1 - The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck - -  
TD12 Violent Excess The Thricefold Discord Objective Surge: Score this immediately after your warband's second or subsequent successful Attack action that targeted the same fighter in the same phase.
1 - The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck - -  
TD14 Heart's Desire The Thricefold Discord Ploy Temptation
Pick an opponent. That player picks one:
You push one fighter in that player's warband up to 2 hexes so that fighter is adjacent to one or more fighters from your warband
Or: Stagger each fighter from that player's warband that is within 3 hexes of one or more fighters from your warband.
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TD15 Illusion of Power The Thricefold Discord Ploy Temptation
Pick an opponent with one or more power cards in their hand. That player picks one:
Each player, starting with that player, can give one upgrade from their hand to one fighter without spending any glory points
Or: That player discards two power cards, or one power card if they only have one in their hand.
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TD16 Irresistible Feast The Thricefold Discord Ploy Temptation
Play this only if one or more enemy fighters are adjacent to one or more friendly fighters.
Pick an opponent. That player picks one:
That player deals 1 damage to each fighter adjacent to one or more fighters
Or: You deal 1 damage to a fighter in that player's warband.
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TD17 Pavane of Slaanesh The Thricefold Discord Spell Gambit Spell (ChannelChannel): If cast, choose an enemy fighter within 3 hexes of the caster. The chosen fighter's player picks one:
Deal 1 damage to the chosen fighter
Or: You push the chosen fighter 1 hex.
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TD18 Soulslice Shards The Thricefold Discord Spell Gambit Spell (ChannelChannel): If cast, deal 1 damage to an enemy fighter that is furthest from the caster.
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TD19 Sublime Harmones The Thricefold Discord Ploy In the next activation, each friendly fighter supports each friendly fighter within 3 hexes.
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TD20 Vision of Wealth The Thricefold Discord Ploy Temptation
Pick an opponent with one or more unspent glory points. That player picks one:
You push a fighter up to 2 hexes towards the nearest objective token
Or: That player spends one glory point.
- - The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck ? -  
TD22 Words of Praise The Thricefold Discord Ploy Temptation
Pick a fighter in one opponent's warband. That fighter's player picks one:
You push that fighter up to 2 hexes towards a fighter in your warband
Or That player cannot activate that fighter. This effect persists until the end of the phase.
- - The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck ? -  
TD24 Gourmand of Pain The Thricefold Discord Upgrade Gambit Spell (FocusFocus): Use this after an Attack action, if this fighter was the target. If cast, deal 1 damage to one fighter within 1 hex of this fighter.
- Wizard The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck - -  
TD25 Helm of Insight The Thricefold Discord Upgrade False Gift
You can give this upgrade to an enemy fighter.
This fighter's Defence characteristic is 2 BlockBlock and cannot be modified further.
This fighter cannot have line of sight to fighters that are 2 or more hexes away.
Resist (Action): Break this card.
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TD26 Icon of Excess The Thricefold Discord Upgrade Spell Action (FocusFocus): Deal 1 damage to this fighter. If cast, each surviving friendly fighter can make one Move action or one Attack action.
- Wizard The Thricefold Discord Rivals Deck ? -  
TD27 Invincible Armour The Thricefold Discord Upgrade False Gift
You can give this upgrade to an enemy fighter.
+1 Wounds
-2 Move, to a minimum of 0.
Resist (Action): Break this card.
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TD28 Perfect Blade The Thricefold Discord Upgrade False Gift, Attack action

Hex 1 HammerSmash 3 Damage 3

You can give this upgrade to an enemy fighter.
This fighter is not considered to have any other upgrades or Attack actions other than this Attack action.
Resist (Action): Break this card.
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TD29 Sadistic Epitome The Thricefold Discord Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Attack actions that target an enemy fighter with one or more wound counters.
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TD31 Unnatural Swiftness The Thricefold Discord Upgrade +1 Move and +1 Dice to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions while this fighter has no Move and/or Charge tokens.
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TD32 Whip of Subversion The Thricefold Discord Upgrade Attack action

Hex 3 SwordFury 3 Damage 1

In the drive back step of this Attack action, instead of driving the target back, push the target up to 1 hex.
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