Shared deck

Sons of Velmorn Sons of Velmorn
Death Death

Card sets (2)
Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck

At the start of a friendly fighter's activation, you can stagger that fighter.

A fighter (in any warband) is savage while any of the following are true:

That fighter has one or more Charge tokens

That fighter is staggered

That fighter has two or more wound counters.

Sons of Velmorn Rivals DeckTooth and Claw Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Championship Nemesis Relic Open

Not valid:

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
SV2 Clinical Efficiency Sons of Velmorn Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action that took the target out of action, if:
That Attack action dealt precisely enough damage to take the target out of action
Or: That Attack action resulted in a critical hit.
1 - Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck - -  
SV3 Dispassionate Slaughter Sons of Velmorn Objective Score this in an end phase if there are more enemy fighters out of action than there are surviving enemy fighters.
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SV4 Hereditary Claims Sons of Velmorn Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Your warband holds two or more objectives
And: One or more of those objectives is not in your territory.
2 - Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck - -  
SV7 Martial Lord Sons of Velmorn Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly leader's Attack action that takes the target out of action.
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SV9 Protected Inheritance Sons of Velmorn Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Your warband holds one or more objectives in your territory
And: Two or more enemy fighters are out of action.
2 - Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck - -  
SV10 Regal Riposte Sons of Velmorn Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action that takes an enemy fighter out of action, if:
That friendly fighter has no Charge tokens
Or: That enemy fighter had one or more Charge tokens.
1 - Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck - -  
SV11 Relentless Unity Sons of Velmorn Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after an Attack action:
That targeted a supported friendly fighter and failed
Or: That was made by a supported friendly fighter and succeeded.
1 - Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck - -  
SV12 Vying for Favour Sons of Velmorn Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving friendly fighter has one or more Move and/or Charge tokens.
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SV13 Deadly Manoeuvre Sons of Velmorn Ploy Manoeuvre
Reaction: Play this during a friendly fighter's Attack action, after the declare Attack action step. When you do, you can remove one Command counter from your leader. Choose a friendly fighter other than the attacker and push the chosen fighter 1 hex, or up to 3 hexes, if you removed a Command counter.
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SV16 Imperious Will Sons of Velmorn Ploy Give your leader one Command counter and one Guard token.
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SV17 Redoubled Fervour Sons of Velmorn Ploy Reaction: Play this after a friendly Grave Guard's failed Attack action. When you do, you can remove one Command counter from your leader. That Grave Guard makes one Attack action. If you removed a Command counter, +1 Dice to that Attack action until it has been resolved.
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SV18 Rise Again Sons of Velmorn Ploy Remove one Command counter from your leader. When you do, place one friendly fighter that is out of action on a starting hex in your territory. Give that fighter one Raise counter. Then give that fighter wound counters until that fighter is vulnerable.
- Leader Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck - -  
SV19 Shyishan Infusion Sons of Velmorn Ploy Heal (2) one friendly Grave Guard.
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SV20 Spike of Terror Sons of Velmorn Ploy Choose one enemy fighter within 2 hexes of one or more friendly fighters. That fighter's player picks two: you push the chosen fighter 1 hex, or you stagger the chosen fighter, or you give the chosen fighter one Move token.
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SV26 Fearless Lunge Sons of Velmorn Upgrade Attack action

Hex 2 HammerSmash 2 Damage 2

You can re-roll any number of dice in the attack roll. After this Attack action, stagger this fighter.
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SV27 Fell Enchantments Sons of Velmorn Upgrade Reaction: After an enemy fighter's failed Attack action that targeted this fighter, give the attacker one Curse counter. While a fighter has one or more Curse counters, that fighter has -1 Defence, to a minimum of 1, and -1 Dice from that fighter's Attack actions, to a minimum of 1. Clear all Curse counters at the end of the phase.
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SV28 Heirloom Weapon Sons of Velmorn Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 or Range 2 Attack actions.
- Grave Guard Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck - -  
SV30 Praetorian Sons of Velmorn Upgrade Reaction: During an enemy fighter's Attack action that targets your leader, after the attack roll, push this fighter up to 3 hexes to a hex adjacent to the attacker. This fighter is now the target of that Attack action.
- Sir Jedran Falseborn Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck ? -  
SV31 Proud Son Sons of Velmorn Upgrade You can re-roll one attack dice in the attack rolls for this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
- Grave Guard Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck - -  
SV32 The Crown's Curse Sons of Velmorn Upgrade Reaction: After the first power step in a round, place one friendly Grave Guard that is out of action on a starting hex in your territory. Give that fighter one Raise counter. Then give that fighter wound counters until that fighter is vulnerable.
While this fighter has one or more Command counters:
+1 Dice to this fighter's Baleful Tomb Blade and this fighter is uninspired and cannot be inspired.
- Leader Sons of Velmorn Rivals Deck - -  
TC4 Fully Committed Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Three or more friendly fighters are in enemy territory
And: Each of those fighter is savage.
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TC7 Macabre Spectacle Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action that took the target our of action, if that friendly fighter was savage before you activated them.
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TC8 Mauled Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action that took the target our of action, if that friendly fighter was supported by one or more savage fighters.
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TC9 Move or Die Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving friendly fighter has one or more Move and/or Charge tokens.
1 - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 12/44 (27.27%)  
TC14 Call to Heel Universal Ploy Choose one beast or savage fighter. Push the chosen fighter 1 hex, or up to 4 hexes if it is a friendly fighter, so it is adjacent to a friendly fighter.
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TC15 Dark Command Universal Ploy Choose one beast or savage fighter. Deal 1 damage to one enemy fighter adjacent to the chosen fighter.
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TC18 Internal Surrender Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter. The chosen fighter is savage.
+1 Dice to the chosen fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
-1 Defence from the chosen fighter, to a minimum of 1.
This effect persists until that fighter is taken out of action.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
TC21 Reckless Haste Universal Ploy +2 Move to fighters in the next activation. After the next activation, stagger each fighter that made one or more Move actions during that activation.
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TC23 Beast Claws Universal Upgrade Attack action

Hex 1 SwordFury 2 Damage 2

Flurry: While this fighter is savage, you can re-roll any number of attack dice in the attack roll.
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TC26 Feral Alteration Universal Upgrade You cannot give this to a Large fighter.
This fighter is a beast.
+1 Move
+1 Wounds
This fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions have Knockback 1.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 4/44 (9.09%)  
TC27 Feral Instincts Universal Upgrade This fighter is a beast.
+1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions. When activated, this fighter must make an Attack action if it can, otherwise it must make a Charge action if it can, otherwise it must make a Move action that ends closer to the nearest enemy fighter. If it cannot make any of these actions, it cannot be activated.
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TC28 Gifted Ferocity Universal Upgrade Mutation
+1 Dice to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
Reaction: After a friendly fighter's Attack action that takes an enemy fighter out of action, if this card is in your hand, give this upgrade to that friendly fighter. This does not cost any glory points.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 6/44 (13.64%)