Seismic Shock Rivals deck

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Seismic Shock Rivals Deck

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Cards: 6

Nemesis Rivals Relic Open

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# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
SS1 Burnt Out Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after a power step if:
You have no power cards in your hand
And: You have not discarded and power cards in this round (cards that were played from your hand are not discarded).
1 - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 15/60 (25%)  
SS2 Claim the Prize Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Your warband holds each objective in one or more territories (including no one's territory)
And: Your warband holds two or more objectives in one or more of those territories.
3 - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 9/60 (15%)  
SS3 Exploit the Ley Lines Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after:
A friendly wizard casts their third or subsequent spell in the same phase
And: That fighter is in a hazard hex or on an objective.
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SS4 Magisterial Might Universal Objective Suge, Dual: Score this immediately after a power step if:
One or more friendly wizards each hold an objective in enemy territory
And: One or more of those wizards has a wizard level of 2 or greater.
1 - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - -  
SS5 Manipulating the Realmsphere Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband cast more spells than each other warband in the preceding action phase.
1 - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 6/60 (10%)  
SS6 Places of Power Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Each surviving friendly fighter is in a hazard hex or on an objective
And: There are two or more surviving friendly fighters.
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SS7 Powering Up Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after:
A single friendly wizard is activated for a second or subsequent time in this phase
And: That wizard was on the same objective in enemy territory on two or more of the times they were activated in this phase.
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SS8 Shape the Realm Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Your warband holds three or more objectives
And: One or more friendly wizards are each holding an objective.
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SS9 Sorcerous Treasure-hunter Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
One or more friendly wizards are each holding an objective
And: One or more of those wizards each have three or more upgrades.
2 - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 12/60 (20%)  
SS10 Spark of Creation Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after:
A friendly fighter's spell Attack action took the target out of action
And: The caster and/or the enemy fighter were in a hazard hex and/or on a feature token.
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SS11 Touching the Realm Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Your warband holds two or more objectives
And: One or more friendly wizards are each holding an objective.
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SS12 Unfortunate Focus Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after the third or subsequent time the same enemy fighter was chosen by and/or declared as the target of your warband's spell in this phase.
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SS13 Abasoth's Screaming Idols Universal Spell Gambit Spell (ChannelChannel): If cast, pick one feature token within 3 hexes of the caster. Move that feature token 1 hex. After you have done so, if a fighter is on that feature token, deal 1 damage to that fighter.
- - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck ? - 9/60 (15%)  
SS14 Arcane Reach Universal Ploy +2 Range, to a maximum of 6, to the first Range 2+ spell Attack action made by a friendly wizard in the next activation step.
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SS15 Celestial Conduits Universal Ploy You can re-roll one magic dice in friendly wizard's casting rolls, if the caster is on a feature token. This effect persists until the end of the next activation step.
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SS16 Celestial Surge Universal Ploy The next time a friendly wizard that is holding an objective attempts to cast a spell, that wizard has +1 wizard level until the casting sequence ends. This effect persists until a friendly wizard attempts to cast a spell or until the end of this power step.
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SS17 Channelled Power Universal Spell If the caster is holding an objective, this spell is cast automatically. Do not make a casting roll.
Gambit Spell (ChannelChannelChannelChannel): If cast, +1 wizard level to each surviving friendly wizard. This effect persists until your warband casts another spell or until the end of the round.
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SS18 Iara's Resistance Universal Spell Gambit Spell (FocusFocus): If cast, +1 Wounds to friendly fighters while they are holding an objective. This effect persists until the end of the round or until another warband holds more objectives than your warband.
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SS19 Localised Quake Universal Spell Gambit Spell (FocusFocus): If cast, choose one fighter on a feature token or in a hazard hex within 3 hexes of the caster. Push the chosen fighter up to 3 hexes.
- - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 5/60 (8.33%)  
SS20 Mindwipe Universal Spell Before the casting roll pick ChannelChannel or FocusFocus: that is the casting value of this spell.
Gambit Spell (ChannelChannel): If cast, choose one enemy fighter within 4 hexes of the caster. The chosen fighter cannot hold objectives until the end of the round.
Gambit Spell (FocusFocus): If cast, pick one feature token within 4 hexes of the caster. Move that feature token 1 hex.
- - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 4/60 (6.67%)  
SS21 Stir the Nest Universal Spell Gambit Spell (ChannelChannel): If cast, choose an enemy fighter within 4 hexes of the caster that is on a feature token or in a hazard hex. Deal 1 damage to the chosen fighter.
- - Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 5/60 (8.33%)  
SS22 Topsy Turvy Universal Ploy Pick one feature token within 5 hexes of a friendly wizard that is not in the same hex as an enemy fighter. Flip that feature token.
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SS23 Abasoth's Adaptive Assault Universal Upgrade Spell Attack action

Hex 3 FocusFocus - Damage 1

+1 Damage to this spell Attack action if the target is Inspired.
+1 Damage to this spell Attack action if the target is on a feature token.
- Wizard Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - -  
SS24 Abasoth's Predatory Animus Universal Upgrade Innate (ChannelChannel) while this fighter is holding an objective in enemy territory.
- Wizard Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - -  
SS25 Arcane Sensitivity Universal Upgrade Reaction: After this fighter casts a spell, push this fighter 1 hex.
- Wizard Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
SS26 Aspect of Unseen Stalker Universal Upgrade Action: Until the end of the round this fighter cannot be targeted by Range 3+ Attack actions or be dealt damage by spells. At the end of the round in which this action was made, break this card.
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SS27 Iara's Repelling Shield Universal Upgrade This fighter cannot be driven back.
Reaction: After an enemy fighter ends a Move action adjacent to this fighter, stagger that enemy fighter.
- Wizard Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - - 5/60 (8.33%)  
SS28 Quintok's Reactive Shunter Universal Upgrade Reaction: Use this after this fighter is pushed by an enemy fighter, if they started that push on a feature token or in a hazard hex. Stagger this fighter, then push this fighter 1 hex.
- Wizard Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - -  
SS29 Quintok's Static Rod Universal Upgrade Attack action

Hex 2 HammerSmash 2 Damage 2

This fighter cannot be driven back. Objective tokens within 3 hexes of this fighter cannot be moved, removed or flipped.
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SS30 Quintok's Unseen Hand Universal Upgrade Flick (Spell Action) (FocusFocus): During this action, this fighter has line of sight to each enemy fighter. If cast, choose one enemy fighter within 6 hexes of the caster. Pick one: push the chosen fighter 1 hex, or stagger the chosen fighter. If the casting roll included one or more Critical successCritical success, do both.
- Wizard Seismic Shock Rivals Deck - -  
SS31 Sorcerous Might Universal Upgrade This fighter's spell Attack actions have Critical successCritical success Grievous 1. This card cannot affect spell Attack actions with a Damage characteristic or 3 or greater.
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SS32 Temporally Aligned Universal Upgrade Reaction: After an activation step in which this fighter made a Charge action, push this fighter 1 hex.
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