Deadly Depths Rivals deck

No faction Any warband

Card sets (1)

Deadly Depths Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 3 | 32 non-Rivals card/s

Relic Open

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals

Objectives (12)

Total glory - 19
3 | 8 | 1
6 | 0

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
NM189 A War in the Shadows Universal Objective (Errata update) Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
During the previous action phase, one or more enemy fighters were taken out of action
And: Two or more friendly fighters are in cover hexes.
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NM191 Blood in the Deeps Universal Objective (Errata update) Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
During the previous action phase, one or more enemy fighters were taken out of action
And: One or more friendly fighters are within 1 hex of a feature token.
1 - Deadly Depths Rivals Deck - - 13/60 (21.67%)  
NM194 Call of the Dark Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if four or more fighters are each in a cover hex.
After you score this card, pick one opponent. That opponent's warband deals 1 damage to one fighter from your warband that is in a cover hex.
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NM198 Crushing Them Wholesale Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
There are more enemy fighters out of action than there are surviving enemy fighters
And: One or more enemy leaders are out of action.
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NM199 Dark Judgement Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after:
A friendly fighter's Attack action if the target was taken out of action
And: The attacker and/or the defender was in a cover hex in enemy territory.
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NM200 Desperate Triumph Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after:
An activation step if your leader is on a feature token in enemy territory
And: Your leader is vulnerable.
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NM202 Duskbringers Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if one or more friendly fighters are each on a feature token in enemy territory that was an objective token at the start of the round.
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NM209 Looting the Remains Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if one or more enemy fighters that are out of action each have two or more upgrades.
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NM211 Lost Together Universal Objective Dual: Score this in the third end phase if:
There are two or more surviving friendly fighters
And: Each of those friendly fighters is on an objective token in the same territory.
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NM218 Plumbing the Depths Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if one or more friendly fighters are in a cover hex, one or more friendly fighters are on a feature token and one or more friendly fighters are in a lethal hex.
2 - Deadly Depths Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
NM220 Purging the Abyss Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if more enemy fighters were taken out of action in this round than there are objective tokens on the battlefield.
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NM226 Surging Darkness Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation step if two or more friendly fighters with Charge tokens are on feature tokens.
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NM229 A Hungry Darkness Universal Ploy Pick one feature token. Push that feature token 1 hex closer to the nearest enemy fighter.
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NM230 Amphibious Ambush Universal Ploy The first Range 1 Attack action made in the next activation step that targets an enemy fighter on a feature token has Cleave and Grievous.
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NM232 Blazing Light Universal Ploy Choose one fighter. Flip each feature token that is not an objective token and that is within 2 hexes of the chosen fighter.
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NM246 Knives in the Dark Universal Ploy +1 Damage to the first Attack action in the next activation step that targets an enemy fighter on a feature token.
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NM247 Murderous Tides Universal Ploy +1 Dice to the first Attack action made by a friendly fighter that has one or more supporting fighters. This effect persists until a friendly fighter with one or more supporting fighters makes an Attack action or until the end of the round.
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NM256 Seeking the Deep Truths Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter in a cover hex. Deal 1, 2 or 3 damage to the chosen fighter, then roll X magic dice, where X is the amount of damage you dealt to the chosen fighter. You cannot choose to deal more damage to the chosen fighter than their Wounds characteristic. On a roll of one or more FocusFocus, gain 1 glory point.
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NM257 Shadowed Refuge Universal Ploy +1 Defence to friendly fighters in a cover hex in the next activation step.
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NM264 The Walls Are Closing In Universal Ploy At the end of the next activation step, deal 1 damage to each fighter in an edge hex.
- - Deadly Depths Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
NM266 Waist Deep Universal Ploy Fighters that are not on feature tokens at the start of the next activation step have a Move characteristic of 2 in the next activation step.
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NM267 We Must Go Deeper Universal Ploy Choose up to two friendly fighters. Push the chosen fighters 1 hex. After that push, each chosen fighter must be in a cover hex or in enemy territory.
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NM271 Cursed Boarding Axe Universal Upgrade Attack action

Hex 1 SwordFury 4 Damage 2

The bounty gained when an enemy fighter is taken out of action by this Attack action is spent glory unless this fighter is on a feature token.
- - Deadly Depths Rivals Deck - - 6/60 (10%)  
NM282 Darkwater Anchor Universal Upgrade -1 Damage to Range 3+ Attack actions that target this fighter, to a minimum of 1.
In addition, this fighter cannot be pushed by enemy warbands.
- - Deadly Depths Rivals Deck - - 22/60 (36.67%)  
NM285 Dredge Line Universal Upgrade Action: Choose an enemy fighter on a feature token. Push the chosen fighter 2 hexes closer to this fighter. Then break this card.
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NM288 Gallows Humour Universal Upgrade Reaction: After an activation step in which one or more fighters were taken out of action, push this fighter 1 hex.
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NM292 Lurking Horror Universal Upgrade Denizen
+1 Dice to this fighter's Attack actions. After this fighter's attack roll, remove one attack dice from that roll.
Reaction: After your activation step, if this fighter is in a cover hex, push this fighter 1 hex.
- - Deadly Depths Rivals Deck ? - 5/60 (8.33%)  
NM293 Marked by the Dark Universal Upgrade This fighter's Range 1 Attack actions have Ensnare and this fighter has the Flying trait.
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NM294 Mask of Shadows Universal Upgrade Illusion
Do not spend any glory points when you play this card. At the end of the action phase, or when this fighter is chosen by a gambit or is dealt damage, break this card.
This fighter cannot be the target of an Attack action unless the attacker is adjacent.
- - Deadly Depths Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
NM304 Tantalising Map Fragment Universal Upgrade Map
If this fighter is holding an objective, this fighter can make this action.
Action: Flip an objective token this fighter is on. Then gain 1 spent glory point, give this fighter one Charge token, and break this card.
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NM306 The Life Line Universal Upgrade At the start of the third round, choose this fighter and one other friendly fighter. Place each fighter in the hex that was occupied by the other fighter when you chose them. Then break this card.
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NM307 Umbral Stigmata Universal Upgrade Action: Deal 1 damage to this fighter, then choose one enemy fighter on a feature token. Deal 1 damage to the chosen fighter then break this card.
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