Shared deck

Mollog's Mob Mollog's Mob
Destruction Destruction

Card sets (13)

Core setSepulchral Guard expansionIronskull's Boyz expansionThe Chosen Axes expansionSpiteclaw's Swarm expansionMagore's Fiends expansionThe Farstriders expansionLeadersZarbag's Gitz expansionGarrek's Reavers expansionSteelheart's Champions expansionGodsworn Hunt expansionMollog's Mob expansion

Play formats

Cards: 7 | 32 non-Rivals card/s

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals Relic Open

Objectives (12)

Total glory - 16
7 | 5 | 0
0 | 0

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
243 Change of Tactics Universal Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter on Guard makes a Charge action.
1 - The Farstriders expansion - -  
257 Escalation Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if three or more upgrade cards were played in the preceding action phase.
2 - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion ? -  
272 Master of War Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you scored an objective card, played a ploy card and played an upgrade card in this round.
1 - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
277 No Remorse Universal Objective Score this immediately if one of your fighters takes an enemy fighter out of action with an Attack action with a Damage characteristic greater than the target's Wounds characteristic.
1 - The Chosen Axes expansion - SSduplicate  
305 Victorious Duel Universal Objective Score this immediately if your leader takes an enemy leader out of action.
2 - Ironskull's Boyz expansion - SSduplicate  
306 Victory After Victory Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you scored three or more other objective cards in this round.
2 - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
324 Forceful Denial Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this when an opponent plays a ploy. Roll a defence dice. On a roll of BlockBlock or Critical successCritical success that ploy has no effect.
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
332 Illusory Fighter Universal Ploy Choose one of your fighters on the battlefield. Place them on a starting hex in your territory.
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
334 Inspiration Strikes Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter. They become Inspired.
- - The Farstriders expansion ? -  
341 Misdirection Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this when a friendly fighter is chosen by a ploy. Choose another friendly fighter that could be chosen by that ploy. That fighter is chosen instead.
- - Ironskull's Boyz expansion ? SSduplicate  
348 Ready for Action Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after you upgrade a fighter in an action phase. They can make a Move or Attack action.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion ? -  
349 Rebound Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this during an enemy Attack action that would succeed. Roll a defence dice. On a roll of DodgeDodge or Critical successCritical success the attacker suffers the damage, rather than the target, and neither fighter is driven back.
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion ? SSduplicate  
362 Spoils of Battle Universal Ploy Play an upgrade card. This doesn't cost a glory point.
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
389 Great Fortitude Universal Upgrade +1 Wounds.
- - Core set - SSduplicate 19/44 (43.18%)  
391 Great Strength Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to all Attack actions with a Range of 1 or 2.
- - Core set - SSduplicate 37/44 (84.09%)  
393 Helpful Whispers Universal Upgrade If this fighter has no adjacent friendly fighters, rolls of Single SupportSingle support are a success when they make an Attack action.
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
403 Light Armour Universal Upgrade Rolls of Critical successCritical success on a defence dice are no longer a success for this fighter. Roll an extra attack dice when this fighter make an Attack action.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
L25 Slayer Universal Objective Score this immediately if your leader takes two or more enemy fighters out of action in this phase. (Able to be scored if you draw this card after the condition was met).
1 - Leaders - -  
N205 Demolished Mollog's Mob Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter takes an enemy fighter out of action with an Attack action with a Damage characteristic of 5 or more.
Forsaken Forsaken
1 - Mollog's Mob expansion - -  
N223 Blooming Spores Mollog's Mob Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Attack actions with a Range of 1 or 2.
Forsaken Forsaken
- Mollog the Mighty Mollog's Mob expansion - -  
N224 Foul Temper Mollog's Mob Upgrade You can re-roll one dice in each attack roll for this fighter's Attack actions.
Forsaken Forsaken
- - Mollog's Mob expansion - -  
N340 Keep Them Guessing Universal Objective (Errata update) Score this in an end phase if your warband made at least four different actions from the following list in the preceding action phase: Move (other than as part of a Charge), Attack (other than as part of a Charge), Charge, Guard, another action on a fighter card (other than a reaction).
2 - Zarbag's Gitz expansion - -  
N343 Longstrider Universal Objective Score this immediately when a friendly fighter makes their second or subsequent Move action in a single action phase.
1 - Godsworn Hunt expansion ? -  
N357 Opening Gambit Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you scored at least one objective card in the preceding action phase.
1 - Garrek's Reavers expansion - -  
N373 Strong Start Universal Objective Score this immediately if the first fighter taken out of action in this round is an enemy fighter.
1 - Steelheart's Champions expansion ? NVduplicate  
N391 Aggressive Defence Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this during an Attack action that targets a friendly fighter, before the attack roll. You cannot make a defence roll, but the target of the Attack action cannot be driven back. After the Attack action, if the friendly fighter survives, immediately make an attack action with that fighter that targets their attacker.
- - Garrek's Reavers expansion - -  
N401 Commanding Stride Universal Ploy Push your leader up to three hexes. They must end this push on a starting hex.
- - Mollog's Mob expansion - NVduplicate 4/44 (9.09%)  
N441 Regal Vision Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter that is holding an objective. That fighter becomes Inspired.
- - Steelheart's Champions expansion - -  
N477 Bag of Tricks Universal Upgrade Action: Search your power deck for a card, reveal it and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your power deck and place a Charge token next to this fighter.
- - Mollog's Mob expansion - NVduplicate  
N499 Faneway Crystal Universal Upgrade When this fighter makes a Move action, they do not move normally. Instead, place them on any objective token, then discard this card. It is still considered to be a Move action.
- - Zarbag's Gitz expansion ? -  
N529 Potion of Rage Universal Upgrade Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, before any dice are rolled, discard this card. The Attack action has +2 Dice until the action is resolved.
- - Zarbag's Gitz expansion ? -  
N550 Tome of Offerings Universal Upgrade Katophrane Tome
If this fighter takes an enemy fighter out of action, gain 1 additional glory point.
- - Godsworn Hunt expansion - -