Shared deck

The Headsmen's Curse The Headsmen's Curse
Death Death

Card sets (2)
The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck

Awaiting Execution: If a fighter with a Condemned counter would be given a Condemned counter, that additional Condemned counter is removed.

Justice is Served: When an enemy fighter with a Condemned counter is taken out of action, gain one Condemned counter.

Well Executed: After a friendly fighter's Attack action takes an adjacent target out of action, gain one Condemned counter for each of the following that are true:

- That Attack action was supported

- The target was a Large fighter.

Toxic Terrors Rivals DeckThe Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Championship Nemesis Relic Open

Not valid:

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
TT9 Superiority Confirmed Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
A friendly leader is in enemy territory
And: The Wounds characteristics of enemy fighters that are out of action add up to 4 or more.
2 - Toxic Terrors Rivals Deck - - 6/44 (13.64%)  
TT12 Venom-gorged Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if one or more friendly fighters who each have one or more poison upgrades are holding an objective in enemy territory.
2 - Toxic Terrors Rivals Deck - -  
TT15 Freezing Venom Universal Ploy Poison
Choose one enemy fighter. The chosen fighter cannot make superactions and Attack actions that target the chosen fighter have Ensnare. This effect persists until the end of the round, or until the chosen fighter is dealt damage.
- - Toxic Terrors Rivals Deck - - 6/44 (13.64%)  
TT17 Ill-prepared Universal Ploy Poison
Choose one enemy fighter on a starting hex. Give the chosen fighter one Move token. The chosen fighter cannot make Attack actions while that fighter is on a starting hex. This effect persists until the end of the round or until damage is dealt to the chosen fighter.
- - Toxic Terrors Rivals Deck - - 3/44 (6.82%)  
TT25 Callous Universal Upgrade Poison
+1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions if the target is affected by one or more persisting poison gambits and/or this fighter has two or more poison upgrades.
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TT32 Wicked Hunter Universal Upgrade Poison
Reaction: After you play a poison gambit, push this fighter 1 hex, then stagger each enemy fighter adjacent to this fighter.
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HC1 All Rise The Headsmen's Curse Objective Hybrid: Score this in an end phase if:
Two or more friendly fighters each have one or more Raise counters
Or: One or more enemy fighters are out of action and one or more friendly fighters each have one or more Raise counters.
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HC2 Basket of Bonces The Headsmen's Curse Objective Score this in an end phase if two or more enemy fighters are out of action.
1 - The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC3 Bound in Servitude The Headsmen's Curse Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after: A friendly Chainrasp's Attack action takes an enemy fighter out of action
Or: A friendly fighter's Attack action takes an enemy fighter out of action and one or more friendly Chainrasps supported that Attack action.
1 - The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC4 Eager Assistant The Headsmen's Curse Objective Surge: Score this immediately after the second or subsequent successful supported Attack action made by friendly fighters in the same phase.
2 - The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC5 Gather a Crowd The Headsmen's Curse Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation step if three or more friendly fighters are within 2 hexes of the same enemy fighter.
1 - The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC6 Heads Will Roll The Headsmen's Curse Objective Surge: Score this immediately after you gain your third or subsequent Condemned counter.
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HC7 Judge, Lest Ye Be Judged The Headsmen's Curse Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving friendly fighter has one or more Move tokens and/or Charge tokens.
1 - The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC8 Off With Their Head! The Headsmen's Curse Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly leader's Attack action takes an enemy fighter out of action.
Gain 1 additional glory point if that enemy fighter was a leader.
1 - The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC9 Quick to Judge The Headsmen's Curse Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after an activation step if:
There is a surviving friendly leader
And: Two or more enemy fighters each have a Condemned counter.
1 - The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC10 Savouring the Inevitable The Headsmen's Curse Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
A friendly fighter is adjacent to one or more enemy fighters
And: One or more of those enemy fighters each have one or more wound and/or Condemned counters.
1 - The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC13 Condemned, Step Forward The Headsmen's Curse Ploy Choose two fighters that are adjacent to each other, one or more of which is in an enemy fighter. Place each fighter in the hex that was occupied by the other fighter when you chose them. Give each chosen enemy fighter one Condemned counter.
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HC14 Damning Scream The Headsmen's Curse Ploy Choose an enemy fighter within 2 hexes of a friendly Scriptor of the Sentence. Stagger the chosen fighter and give the chosen fighter one Condemned counter.
- Scriptor of the Sentence The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC15 Drawn to the Kill The Headsmen's Curse Ploy Choose a friendly fighter. Push the chosen fighter 1 hex. After this push, that fighter must be adjacent to one or more enemy fighters.
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HC16 Helping Hands The Headsmen's Curse Ploy In the first Attack action made by a friendly fighter in the next activation, the attacker is considered to be supported by one additional friendly fighter.
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HC17 Hold Them Still! The Headsmen's Curse Ploy Reaction: Play this after a friendly fighter's Move action, if they are adjacent to one or more enemy fighters. Choose another friendly fighter. Then chosen fighter makes one Move action. After that Move action, the chosen fighter must be adjacent to one or more of those enemy fighters.
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HC18 Just In Case The Headsmen's Curse Ploy Choose a friendly fighter. Push the chosen fighter 1 hex towards the nearest enemy fighter with one or more wound and/or Condemned counters.
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HC20 Scapegoat The Headsmen's Curse Ploy Choose an enemy fighter. The chosen fighter has a Wounds characteristic of 5, unless it would be higher. The effect persists until the end of the round. Give the chosen fighter one Stagger token and one Condemned counter.
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HC22 You Must Serve The Headsmen's Curse Ploy Place a friendly chainrasp that is out of action on a starting hex in your territory. Give that fighter one Raise counter. Then, if there are four surviving friendly fighters, give that fighter wound counters until that fighter is vulnerable.
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HC23 Cackling Nightmare The Headsmen's Curse Upgrade Reaction: After an activation step in which this fighter made one or more Range 3+ Attack actions, this fighter makes a Range 3+ Attack action.
- Scriptor of the Sentence The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC24 Chilling Grasp The Headsmen's Curse Upgrade Enemy fighters adjacent to this fighter cannot make Move actions.
- Chainrasp The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC26 Enduring Executor The Headsmen's Curse Upgrade +1 Wounds.
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HC27 Ethereal Immunity The Headsmen's Curse Upgrade Rolls of Double SupportDouble support are successes in this fighter's defence rolls.
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HC28 Guided Blows The Headsmen's Curse Upgrade You can re-roll one attack dice in this fighter's attack rolls.
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HC29 Heavy Duty The Headsmen's Curse Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
- Chainrasp The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -  
HC30 Job Satisfaction The Headsmen's Curse Upgrade Reaction: After an activation step in which this fighter made one or more Attack actions, give this fighter one Guard token.
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HC31 Lurking Crony The Headsmen's Curse Upgrade When a friendly fighter adjacent to this fighter makes an Attack action, this fighter supports that fighter.
- Chainrasp The Headsmen's Curse Rivals Deck - -