Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck

Gnarlspirit Pack Gnarlspirit Pack
Chaos Chaos

Card sets (1)

Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Championship Nemesis Rivals Relic Open

Objectives (12)

Total glory - 15
6 | 6 | 0
2 | 5

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
GP1 Oath of Fortitude Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Hybrid: You may reveal this card at the start of your first turn in a round, then return it to your hand.
Score this in an end phase if:
There are three or more surviving friendly fighters
Or: There are one or more surviving friendly fighters and no friendly fighters were taken out of action in this round.
If you revealed this card, gain one additional glory point.
1 - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
GP2 Oath of Ruin Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Surge, Hybrid: You may reveal this card at the start of your first turn in a round, then return it to your hand.
Score this immediately after:
Your warband removes an objective token in enemy territory
Or: Your warband takes an Inspired enemy fighter in enemy territory out of action.
If you revealed this card, gain one additional glory point.
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GP3 Oath of Slaughter Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Surge, Hybrid: You may reveal this card at the start of your first turn in a round, then return it to your hand.
Score this immediately after:
A second or subsequent enemy fighter is taken out of action in the same round
Or: a Large enemy fighter is taken out of action.
If you revealed this card, gain one additional glory point.
1 - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
GP4 Oath of the Hunt Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Dual: You may reveal this card at the start of your first turn in a round, then return it to your hand.
Score this in an end phase if:
Each surviving friendly fighter has one or more Charge tokens
And: Each of those fighters is in enemy territory.
If you revealed this card, gain one additional glory point.
1 - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
GP5 Rapid Raid Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving friendly fighter is in enemy territory.
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GP6 Raze and Pillage Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
One or more friendly fighters are on a feature token in enemy territory
And: Each surviving friendly fighter in enemy territory has one or more upgrades.
2 - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
GP7 Return to Ruin Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Hybrid: Score this in an end phase if:
There is a friendly fighter on each feature token in enemy territory
Or: There are no objective tokens in enemy territory.
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GP8 Savaged Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly beast's Attack action takes the target out of action.
1 - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
GP9 Shocking Raid Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Surge: Score this immediately after your warband's second or subsequent successful Attack action in the same round.
1 - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
GP10 True Selves Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving friendly fighter is either Inspired or a beast.
1 - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck ? - 2/60 (3.33%)  
GP11 Well Rewarded Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Surge: Score this immediately after you give a fighter their third or subsequent upgrade.
1 - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 3/60 (5%)  
GP12 Worthy Deed Gnarlspirit Pack Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action that takes an enemy fighter out of action, if:
That enemy fighter's Wounds characteristic is higher than the attacker's.
Or: That enemy fighter has more upgrades than the attacker.
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GP13 Dulling Venom Gnarlspirit Pack Ploy Poison:
Choose one enemy fighter adjacent to one or more friendly beasts. The chosen fighter is staggered. This effect persists until the chosen fighter is taken out of action.
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GP14 Fierce Competition Gnarlspirit Pack Ploy +1 Dice to the first Attack action made by a friendly fighter in the next activation.
+2 Dice instead if that fighter is supported by one or more friendly beasts and/or Inspired fighters.
- - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
GP15 Hasty Pillage Gnarlspirit Pack Ploy Pick one feature token in enemy territory in the same hex as a friendly fighter. Remove that feature token from the battlefield. Then give that fighter one Charge token.
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GP16 Hunting Aspects Gnarlspirit Pack Ploy In the next activation, friendly fighters have the following abilities:
Gorl: After this fighter's first action, Heal (1) this fighter.
Kheira: After this fighter's first action, deal 1 damage to one adjacent enemy fighter.
Lupan: This fighter's Attack actions have Cleave and Ensnare.
Sarrakkar: +1 wizard level.
- Sarrakkar Blackwing Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - -  
GP17 In Control Gnarlspirit Pack Ploy Play this only if there are one or more friendly fighters that are not beasts. Push each friendly beast up to 1 hex.
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GP18 Self-command Gnarlspirit Pack Ploy Remove one friendly fighter's Spirit counters and give that fighter one Guard token.
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GP19 Spurred Onwards Gnarlspirit Pack Ploy +1 Move to the first friendly fighter to make a Move action in the next activation.
+2 Move instead if that fighter is a beast and one or more other surviving friendly fighters are not beasts.
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GP20 The Binding Gnarlspirit Pack Spell Gambit Spell (ChannelChannel): If cast, remove any number of Spirit counters from any number of friendly fighters. Heal (1) each fighter that had at least one Spirit counter removed in this way.
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GP21 Vicious Blow Gnarlspirit Pack Ploy The first Range 1 Attack action made by a friendly fighter in the next activation has Critical successCritical success Grievous 1, or +1 Damage instead if that fighter is a beast and one or more other surviving friendly fighters are not beasts.
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GP22 Violent Transformation Gnarlspirit Pack Ploy Choose one friendly fighter that is holding an objective token. Remove that objective token from the battlefield and give the chosen fighter one Spirit counter and one Stagger token.
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GP23 Brute Resilience Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade +1 Wounds.
- - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
GP24 Denbreaker Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade Reaction: After this fighter's activation, if this fighter is holding an objective in enemy territory, remove that objective token from the battlefield. Then pick one, give this fighter one Charge token or break this card.
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GP25 Envenomed Spurs Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade Attack action, Mutation
You can give this to a beast.

Hex 1 SwordFury 2 Damage 1

Reaction: After this fighter's activation, if there are one or more enemy fighters adjacent to this fighter, this fighter makes this Attack action.
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GP26 Preternatural Senses Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade You can re-roll one dice in this fighter's defence rolls, and this fighter ignores the rules for cover hexes while making an Attack action.
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GP27 Raging Companion Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade Attack action, Denizen
You can give this to a beast.

Hex 1 SwordFury 3 Damage 1

Reaction: After this fighter's spell Attack action, make this Attack action.
- Wizard Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - -  
GP28 Surfaced Instinct Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade When this fighter is the target of an Attack action, ignore the rules for Cleave and Ensnare.
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GP29 Trophy of Fortitude Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade This fighter is on Guard while this fighter has no Charge and/or Stagger tokens.
Reaction: After a friendly fighter's Attack action that takes an enemy fighter out of action, if this card is in your hand, give this upgrade to that friendly fighter. This does not cost any glory points.
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GP30 Trophy of Strength Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
Reaction: After a friendly fighter's Attack action that takes an enemy fighter out of action, if this card is in your hand, give this upgrade to that friendly fighter. This does not cost any glory points.
- - Gnarlspirit Pack Rivals Deck - - 3/60 (5%)  
GP31 Trophy of Vision Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade +1 wizard level
This fighter has line of sight to each fighter. (This does not change this fighter's distance from those fighters, or the Range of this fighter's Attack actions.)
Reaction: After a friendly wizard's Attack action that takes an enemy fighter out of action, if this card is in your hand, give this upgrade to that friendly wizard. This does not cost any glory points.
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GP32 Wily Hunter Gnarlspirit Pack Upgrade Reaction: After this fighter's activation, if this fighter made one or more Attack actions, push this fighter 1 hex.
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