Fearsome Flourish

Gryselle's Arenai Gryselle's Arenai
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Card sets (2)
Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck

After the Place Feature Tokens step, a player using this plot card places one available feature token within 1 hex of no one's territory, but not in a starting hex, a blocked hex, a lethal hex or a cover hex. When they do so, they can choose which side is face up.

If more than one player is using this plot card, those players roll off, and the winner places a token first, followed by the player to their left, and so on.

Fearsome Fortress Rivals DeckGryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Championship Nemesis Relic Open

Not valid:

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
FF1 Bold Sortie Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation step in which a friendly fighter's Charge action began on a feature token in your territory.
1 - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - - 7/44 (15.91%)  
FF2 Conquered Domain Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there is a friendly fighter on a feature token within 1 hex of no one's territory. Gain one additional glory point for each other friendly fighter on a feature token within 1 hex of no one's territory.
1 - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - - 9/44 (20.45%)  
FF3 Earthworks Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after:
A friendly fighter is given a Guard token
If: That fighter is on a feature token within 1 hex of no one's territory.
1 - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - - 5/44 (11.36%)  
FF5 Lethal Defences Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an enemy fighter is taken out of action within 1 hex of one or more feature tokens that are within 1 hex of no one's territory.
1 - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - -  
FF9 Siegebreakers Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are no enemy fighters in your territory.
2 - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - - 3/44 (6.82%)  
FF10 Stockpile Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband holds objectives whose numbers add up to 6 or more (e.g. objectives 2 and 4).
2 - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - - 6/44 (13.64%)  
FF14 Determined Push Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after a friendly fighter's Attack action. Pick one: Push that friendly fighter 1 hex towards the hex their target occupied during the declare Attack action step or 1 hex towards the nearest feature token.
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FF19 Ready for Anything Universal Ploy +1 Defence to each friendly fighter on a feature token in the next activation step.
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FF20 Redeploy Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter on a feature token in your territory. Push that fighter up to 4 hexes. At the end of that push, that fighter must be on a feature token.
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FF21 Take Your Positions! Universal Ploy Choose up to two friendly fighters in your territory, other than your leader. Push each chosen fighter 1 hex towards the nearest feature token.
- Leader Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - - 5/44 (11.36%)  
FF23 Bold Engineer Universal Upgrade +2 Move, except during a Charge action.
Reaction: After a friendly fighter's activation, pick one feature token in an empty hex adjacent to this fighter. Place that feature token in this fighter's hex.
- - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
FF25 Hardy Scout Universal Upgrade You cannot give this to a Large fighter.
+1 Move \ +1 Wounds while this fighter is not in your territory.
- - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - - 3/44 (6.82%)  
FF29 Siegemaster Universal Upgrade Reaction: After this fighter's activation, if this fighter is on a feature token within 1 hex of no one's territory, choose up to two friendly fighters on feature tokens. Give each chosen fighter one Guard token.
- - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck - - 3/44 (6.82%)  
FF32 Walking Wall Universal Upgrade For the purposes of cards with the Fearsome Fortress symbol, while this fighter is not on a feature token, this fighter is considered to be on a feature token, and this fighter's hex is considered to contain a feature token that cannot be flipped.
- - Fearsome Fortress Rivals Deck ? - 2/44 (4.55%)  
GA4 Exult in Violence Gryselle's Arenai Objective Score this in an end phase if two or more surviving friendly fighters are Inspired.
1 - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA5 Faultless Display Gryselle's Arenai Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's successful Attack action if the attack roll contained only successes.
1 - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA7 Har Kuron Hurricane Gryselle's Arenai Objective Hybrid: Score this in an end phase if:
Three or more friendly fighters are in enemy territory
Or: Each surviving friendly fighter is Inspired.
2 - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA8 In Praise of Khaine Gryselle's Arenai Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving fighter has one or more charge tokens and/or one or more wound counters.
3 - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA10 Ritual Performance Gryselle's Arenai Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action if:
That Attack action resulted in a critical hit
Or: That Attack action dealt precisely enough damage to take the target out of action.
1 - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA11 Storm of Blades Gryselle's Arenai Objective Surge: Score this immediately after your warband's fourth or subsequent Attack action in the same phase.
1 - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA13 Daring Flourish Gryselle's Arenai Ploy Flourish
-1 Defence (to a minimum of 1) from friendly fighters
+1 Dice to friendly fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions
This effect persists until the end of the phase or until after a friendly fighter's Attack action that succeeds.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA15 Fatal Flourish Gryselle's Arenai Ploy Flourish After a friendly figher's Attack action that failed, deal 1 damage to the attacker.
+1 Damage to friendly fighters' Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
This effect persists until the end of the phase or until after a friendly fighter's Attack action that succeeds.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA19 Moment of Rapture Gryselle's Arenai Ploy Reaction: Play this after a friendly fighter's Attack action that succeeded. Pick one: Heal (2) that fighter, or Inspire that fighter.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA20 Paean of Slaughter Gryselle's Arenai Ploy You can re-roll one attack dice in the attack rolls for friendly fighters' Attack actions in the next activation step.
- Leader Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA21 Spinning Flourish Gryselle's Arenai Ploy Flourish
Friendly fighters' Range 1 Attack actions are not considered to have Combo.
Friendly fighters' Range 1 Attack actions have Scything.
This effect persists until the end of the phase or until after a friendly fighter's Scything superaction in which one or more Attack actions succeeded.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA22 Unquenchable Fervour Gryselle's Arenai Ploy The next time a friendly fighter is dealt damage, reduce that damage by 2, to a minimum of 1. This effect persists until the end of the phase or until damage is reduced in this way.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck ? -  
GA23 Blood Sigil Gryselle's Arenai Upgrade -1 Damage (to a minimum of 1) from Attack actions that target this fighter.
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GA24 Devotee of Slaughter Gryselle's Arenai Upgrade You cannot give this card to a leader.
+1 Wounds.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA25 Devotee of the Blade Gryselle's Arenai Upgrade This fighter's Defence characteristic is BlockBlock.
This fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions have Cleave.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA28 Lacerating Blow Gryselle's Arenai Upgrade Attack action

Hex 1 HammerSmash 2 Damage 1
Critical successCritical success Grievous 1

Reaction: After this fighter's Attack action with Combo, make this Attack action.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA30 Paragon of the Arena Gryselle's Arenai Upgrade Reaction: After the Declare Attack action step of this fighter's Range 1 or Range 2 Attack action, pick one:
Give this fighter one Guard token
+1 Dice to that Attack action until it is resolved
+1 Damage to that Attack action until it is resolved.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -  
GA31 Piercing Strike Gryselle's Arenai Upgrade Attack action

Hex 2 SwordFury 2 Damage 1

Reaction: After this fighter's Attack action with Combo, make this Attack action.
- - Gryselle's Arenai Rivals Deck - -