Shared deck

Ironsoul's Condemners Ironsoul's Condemners
Order Order

Card sets (2)
Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck

At the start of a friendly fighter's activation, you can stagger that fighter.

A fighter (in any warband) is savage while any of the following are true:

That fighter has one or more Charge tokens

That fighter is staggered

That fighter has two or more wound counters.

DreadfaneTooth and Claw Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Championship Nemesis Relic Open

Not valid:

Gambits (10)

10 | 0

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
D2 Forceful Banishment Ironsoul's Condemners Objective Surge: Score this immediately when an enemy fighter is driven back by a friendly fighter's Attack action that has the Knockback ability.
1 - Dreadfane - -  
D5 Sally Forth Ironsoul's Condemners Objective Score this in an end phase if there are two or more friendly fighters adjacent to each other in enemy territory.
1 - Dreadfane - -  
D8 Uncontested Might Ironsoul's Condemners Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband holds one or more objectives in enemy territory.
1 - Dreadfane - -  
D10 Vindicated Arrogance Ironsoul's Condemners Objective Score this in an end phase if your leader was the target of one or more Attack actions in this round and is on the battlefield.
1 - Dreadfane - -  
D15 Fulminating Blast Ironsoul's Condemners Ploy Push an enemy fighter up to one hex.
- - Dreadfane - -  
D16 Improvised Blow Ironsoul's Condemners Ploy Choose a friendly fighter adjacent to an enemy fighter. The chosen fighter makes the following Attack action.

Hex 1 SwordFury 3 Damage 1

- - Dreadfane - -  
D18 Outflank Ironsoul's Condemners Ploy Choose a friendly fighter adjacent to another fighter and push them up to two hexes.
- - Dreadfane ? -  
D19 Steadfast Ironsoul's Condemners Ploy Choose a friendly fighter and give them a Guard token
- - Dreadfane - -  
D21 Unyielding Resolve Ironsoul's Condemners Ploy Choose a friendly fighter and roll a defence dice. On a roll of BlockBlock or Critical successCritical success, Heal (2) that fighter, otherwise Heal (1) that fighter.
- - Dreadfane - -  
D23 Aetherically Charged Shield Ironsoul's Condemners Upgrade You can re-roll one dice in each defence roll made for this fighter.
- Gwynne Ironsoul, Tavian of Sarnassus Dreadfane - -  
D24 Aetherically Charged Weapon Ironsoul's Condemners Upgrade You can re-roll one dice in the attack roll of the first Attack action this fighter makes in each round.
- - Dreadfane - -  
D25 Consecrated Pendant Ironsoul's Condemners Upgrade +1 wounds
- - Dreadfane - -  
D28 Punishing Blow Ironsoul's Condemners Upgrade

Hex 1 HammerSmash 3 Damage 4

After a fighter makes this Attack action, discard this card.
- Brodus Blightbane Dreadfane - -  
D29 Sanctified Armour Ironsoul's Condemners Upgrade When this fighter is dealt damage, reduce that damage by 1, to a minimum of 1.
- - Dreadfane - -  
D30 Soul-hardened Shield Ironsoul's Condemners Upgrade When this fighter is activated, before making an action with them, give them a Guard token.
- Gwynne Ironsoul, Tavian of Sarnassus Dreadfane - -  
TC1 Embraced Savagery Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation if each surviving friendly fighter is savage.
1 - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 14/44 (31.82%)  
TC4 Fully Committed Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Three or more friendly fighters are in enemy territory
And: Each of those fighter is savage.
2 - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - -  
TC5 Hurricane Force Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Each surviving friendly fighter is in enemy territory
And: There are no enemy fighters in your territory.
3 - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 4/44 (9.09%)  
TC7 Macabre Spectacle Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action that took the target our of action, if that friendly fighter was savage before you activated them.
1 - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - -  
TC8 Mauled Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action that took the target our of action, if that friendly fighter was supported by one or more savage fighters.
1 - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - -  
TC9 Move or Die Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving friendly fighter has one or more Move and/or Charge tokens.
1 - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 12/44 (27.27%)  
TC10 Paragon of Ferocity Universal Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after a savage friendly fighter's Attack action takes the target out of action if:
That friendly fighter is in enemy territory
Or: The target was an enemy leader.
1 - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 4/44 (9.09%)  
TC11 Supreme Savagery Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after a savage friendly leader's Attack action if:
The target was taken out of action
And: That was the second or subsequent fighter your leader has taken out of action.
2 - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck ? -  
TC14 Call to Heel Universal Ploy Choose one beast or savage fighter. Push the chosen fighter 1 hex, or up to 4 hexes if it is a friendly fighter, so it is adjacent to a friendly fighter.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck ? - 8/44 (18.18%)  
TC15 Dark Command Universal Ploy Choose one beast or savage fighter. Deal 1 damage to one enemy fighter adjacent to the chosen fighter.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 15/44 (34.09%)  
TC18 Internal Surrender Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter. The chosen fighter is savage.
+1 Dice to the chosen fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
-1 Defence from the chosen fighter, to a minimum of 1.
This effect persists until that fighter is taken out of action.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
TC21 Reckless Haste Universal Ploy +2 Move to fighters in the next activation. After the next activation, stagger each fighter that made one or more Move actions during that activation.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - -  
TC22 Savage Season Universal Ploy (Errata update) Choose one or more friendly fighters. If a chosen fighter has one or more wound counters, Heal (1) and stagger that fighter. Otherwise, stagger that chosen fighter.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck ? -  
TC27 Feral Instincts Universal Upgrade This fighter is a beast.
+1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions. When activated, this fighter must make an Attack action if it can, otherwise it must make a Charge action if it can, otherwise it must make a Move action that ends closer to the nearest enemy fighter. If it cannot make any of these actions, it cannot be activated.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - -  
TC28 Gifted Ferocity Universal Upgrade Mutation
+1 Dice to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
Reaction: After a friendly fighter's Attack action that takes an enemy fighter out of action, if this card is in your hand, give this upgrade to that friendly fighter. This does not cost any glory points.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 6/44 (13.64%)  
TC30 Mark of the Stampede Universal Upgrade This fighter is a beast.
+1 Move
+2 Move instead while this fighter is savage.
This fighter cannot be staggered while this fighter is savage.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck ? -  
TC32 Stubborn to the Bone Universal Upgrade Enemy warbands cannot push this fighter.
In addition, while this fighter is savage, you can re-roll one dice in this fighter's defence rolls.
- - Tooth and Claw Rivals Deck - - 5/44 (11.36%)