Feed the Ogre

Hrothgorn's Mantrappers Hrothgorn's Mantrappers
Destruction Destruction

Card sets (16)

Magore's Fiends expansionZarbag's Gitz expansionSteelheart's Champions expansionGodsworn Hunt expansionMollog's Mob expansionThundrik's Profiteers expansionYlthari's Guardians expansionBeastgrave core setThe Grymwatch expansionRippa's Snarlfangs expansionBeastgrave Gift Pack expansionThe Wurmspat expansionHrothgorn's Mantrappers expansionMorgwaeth's Blade-coven expansionMorgok's Krushas expansionArena Mortis expansion

Play formats

Cards: 6 | 27 non-Rivals card/s

Relic Open

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
340 Mischievous Spirits Universal Ploy Taking it in turns with your opponent(s), starting with you and going clockwise, move each objective one hex. Objectives cannot be moved into a hex that already contains an objective.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion - SSduplicate  
N302 Calculated Risk Universal Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter makes a Move action through a lethal hex that damages them but doesn't take them out of action.
1 - Thundrik's Profiteers expansion ? -  
N313 Digging Deep Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you drew at least four power and/or objective cards in the preceding action phase.
1 - Mollog's Mob expansion - -  
N365 Scorched Earth Universal Objective Score this immediately if your warband removes an objective from the battlefield.
1 - Godsworn Hunt expansion - -  
N367 Singled Out Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if a surviving friendly fighter has three or more upgrades.
1 - Steelheart's Champions expansion - -  
N368 Solid Gains Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you gained at least 3 glory points in this round.
1 - Zarbag's Gitz expansion - -  
N401 Commanding Stride Universal Ploy Push your leader up to three hexes. They must end this push on a starting hex.
- - Mollog's Mob expansion - NVduplicate 5/60 (8.33%)  
N493 Duellist's Speed Universal Upgrade Reaction: After this fighter's Attack action, push them up to one hex.
- - Ylthari's Guardians expansion ? NVduplicate 4/60 (6.67%)  
B162 Arm of the Everwinter Hrothgorn's Mantrappers Objective Surge: Score this immediately when your warband removes a feature token from the battlefield, or flips a feature token.
1 - Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
B172 Unexpected Cunning Hrothgorn's Mantrappers Objective Surge: Score this immediately after playing your third or subsequent power card in the same phase.
1 - Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
B175 Frozen Earth Hrothgorn's Mantrappers Ploy Pick a feature token in a hex that contains or is adjacent to your leader. Remove it from the battlefield.
- Hrothgorn Mantrapper Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
B179 More Traps Hrothgorn's Mantrappers Ploy Pick one feature token in a hex that contains or is adjacent to a friendly Bushwakka. Flip that token.
- Bushwakka Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
B187 Massive Bulk Hrothgorn's Mantrappers Upgrade -2 Move (to a minimum of 0)
+2 Wounds.
- Hrothgorn Mantrapper Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
B274 Coveted Spoils Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if all objectives are held.
3 - The Grymwatch expansion - -  
B279 Feed the Beastgrave Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are no objective tokens on the battlefield.
5 - Morgok's Krushas expansion - -  
B288 Master of Battle Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if one surviving friendly fighter took three or more actions in the previous phase.
1 - Morgok's Krushas expansion - -  
B301 Show of Force Universal Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after an activation
If: Three or more friendly fighters are in enemy territory
Or: One or more friendly fighters each have three or more upgrades.
1 - Morgok's Krushas expansion - -  
B353 Leave Nothing to Chance Universal Ploy Pick one feature token in a hex that contains a friendly fighter. Remove that token from the battlefield.
- - The Wurmspat expansion - -  
B362 Quick Search Universal Ploy Play this only if your warband holds one or more objectives. Draw up to 2 power cards.
- - Morgwaeth's Blade-coven expansion - -  
B363 Restless Prize Universal Ploy Pick one objective token and move it into an adjacent hex up to two times. You cannot move it into a lethal hex or a hex that includes a feature token.
- - The Grymwatch expansion - -  
B374 Unexpected Peril Universal Ploy Pick one feature token in an empty hex in your territory. Flip that token.
- - Rippa's Snarlfangs expansion - -  
B375 Unnatural Truce Universal Ploy Draw up to two power cards. Each other player draws up to one power card.
- - Hrothgorn's Mantrappers expansion - -  
B404 Hunter's Talisman Universal Upgrade +1 Dice to this fighter's Attack actions. If the target is a Quarry, you can re-roll one attack dice in the attack roll.
- Hunter Morgwaeth's Blade-coven expansion - -  
B412 Lethal Snares Universal Upgrade Reaction: After this fighter ends a push or a Move action in a hex that contains a feature token, or is placed in a hex that contains a feature token, flip that token.
- - Rippa's Snarlfangs expansion - -  
B417 Predatory Instinct Universal Upgrade This fighter is a Hunter. You can re-roll one dice in the attack rolls for this fighter's Attack actions that target a Quarry.
- - Beastgrave core set - -  
G1 Bold Conquest Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after an activation
If: Your leader made a Charge action in that activation
And: your leader is holding an objective.
1 - Beastgrave Gift Pack expansion - -  
G14 Distraction Universal Ploy Choose one enemy fighter and push them 1 hex.
- - Beastgrave Gift Pack expansion ? NewestDuplicate  
A23 Deserved Confidence Universal Upgrade This fighter has the following cumulative benefits, depending on how many upgrades they have:
3+: +1 Wound and this fighter cannot be driven back.
5+: +1 Move
9+: This fighter's Attack actions have Innate (SwordFury HammerSmash).
- - Arena Mortis expansion - -  
A28 Gauntlet of Command Universal Upgrade Mortis Relic
If this fighter has two or more Mortis Relics, +1 Wounds.
Reaction: After this fighter's activation, spend 1 glory point. If you do, push one friendly fighter 1 hex.
- - Arena Mortis expansion - -  
A29 Gauntlet of Dominance Universal Upgrade Mortis Relic
If this fighter has two or more Mortis Relics, +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
Reaction: After this fighter's activation, spend 1 glory point. If you do, push one enemy fighter 1 hex.
- - Arena Mortis expansion - -  
A37 The Crown of the Dead Universal Upgrade Mortis Relic
If this fighter has two or more Mortis Relics, you can re-roll one attack dice in this fighter's attack rolls.
Reaction: After this fighter's activation, spend 1 glory point. If you do, draw two power cards and then discard one power card.
- - Arena Mortis expansion - -  
A39 Vision of Glory Universal Upgrade Reaction: After an activation, spend 1 glory point. If you do, remove one Move token or one Charge token from this fighter. Then discard this upgrade.
- - Arena Mortis expansion ? -