Shared deck

The Wurmspat The Wurmspat
Chaos Chaos

Card sets (2)

The Wurmspat expansionForce of Frost Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Championship Nemesis Relic Open

Not valid:

Gambits (10)

5 | 5

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
B133 Faithful Reward The Wurmspat Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving friendly fighter is Inspired.
1 - The Wurmspat expansion - -  
B134 Fell the Faithless The Wurmspat Objective Surge: Score this immediately when an enemy leader is taken out of action.
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B136 Rotbringers The Wurmspat Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband successfully cast two or more spells in the preceding action phase.
1 - The Wurmspat expansion - -  
B138 Seeping Rot The Wurmspat Objective Surge: Score this immediately when a friendly fighter holding an objective is the target of an Attack action and is not driven back, if that fighter survives.
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B139 Spread his Blessings The Wurmspat Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband holds one or more objectives in enemy territory.
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B141 Blades of Putrefaction The Wurmspat Spell (Errata update) The Grievous 1 keyword replaces the similar ability on this card.
Gambit Spell (FocusFocus): If cast, friendly fighters' Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions have +1 Damage on a critical hit. This spell persists until the end of the round.
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B143 Fecund Vigour The Wurmspat Ploy Cycle
You can re-roll one attack dice in friendly fighter's attack rolls. This effect persists until after the next Attack action made by a friendly fighter, the end of the round, or you play another Cycle ploy.
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B145 Nauseous Revulsion The Wurmspat Ploy Cycle
-1 Dice (to a minimum of 1) from Attack actions made by enemy fighters adjacent to one or more friendly fighters. This effect persists until the end of the round or you play another Cycle ploy.
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B147 Rancid Visitations The Wurmspat Spell Gambit Spell (ChannelChannelChannelChannel): If cast, each enemy fighter adjacent to the caster is dealt 1 damage.
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B148 Steady Advance The Wurmspat Ploy Choose up to two friendly fighters and push each chosen fighter 1 hex.
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B152 Foetid Shroud The Wurmspat Upgrade You can re-roll one dice in this fighter's defence rolls.
- Fecula Flyblown The Wurmspat expansion - -  
B153 Hulking Physique The Wurmspat Upgrade -1 Move (to a minimum of 0)
+1 Wounds
+1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
- Ghulgoch the Butcher The Wurmspat expansion ? -  
B159 Unstoppable Tread The Wurmspat Upgrade Reaction: After this fighter's activation, push this fighter 1 hex.
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FO3 Break the Ice Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after your warband deals damage to an enemy fighter, if that was the first damage dealt in this phase.
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FO4 Chill of the Grave Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if two or more enemy fighters are out of action.
2 - Force of Frost Rivals Deck - - 9/44 (20.45%)  
FO5 Cold-blooded Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after your warband takes an enemy fighter in enemy territory out of action.
1 - Force of Frost Rivals Deck - -  
FO6 Cold of the Void Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if each surviving fighter is adjacent to no fighters.
2 - Force of Frost Rivals Deck - - 4/44 (9.09%)  
FO7 Cold Snap Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after your warband's spell takes one or more enemy fighters out of action.
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FO9 Glacial Cool Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an opponent's power step if a friendly leader holds an objective within 1 hex of no one's territory.
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FO12 Winter's Hunger Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if one or more friendly fighters each have 3 or more Ice counters.
2 - Force of Frost Rivals Deck - -  
FO13 Abasoth's Avalanche Universal Spell (Errata update) Gambit Spell (FocusFocus): If cast, remove one Ice counter from this fighter. Then deal 1 damage to each fighter in the same territory as the caster, then place up to one available feature token in an empty hex in that territory.
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FO15 Final Curse Universal Spell Gambit Spell Reaction (FocusFocus): Play this during an Attack action that targets a friendly wizard, after the deal damage step, if that wizard will be taken out of action. That wizard must be the caster. If cast, deal 2 damage to the attacker.
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FO17 Freeze-thaw Finish Universal Spell Gambit Spell (FocusFocus): If cast, place up to one available feature token in an empty hex within 3 hexes of the caster, then choose an enemy fighter within 1 hex of one or more blocked hexes and/or feature tokens. Deal 1 damage to the chosen fighter.
- - Force of Frost Rivals Deck ? - 2/44 (4.55%)  
FO18 Frozen to the Spot Universal Ploy Choose an enemy fighter. After the chosen fighter's activation in which they made one or more Move actions, deal 1 damage to that fighter. This effect persists until the end of the phase or until that fighter is taken out of action.
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FO22 Time Freeze Universal Ploy Play this only in your power step.
Choose two friendly fighters. Give each chosen fighter one Ice counter and one Guard token. In your next activation step, you must take the Pass action. In your following activation step in the same phase, you can take two activations. In each of those activations, you must activate a different chosen fighter or pass.
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FO23 Armour of Ice Universal Upgrade While this fighter has one or more Ice counters, this fighter's Defence characteristic is 2 BlockBlock, this fighter cannot be on Guard, and if this fighter is a wizard, their wizard level is 2 unless it would be higher.
Action: Give this fighter one Ice counter. This fighter cannot take this action if this fighter has one or more Ice counters.
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FO24 Blizzard Darts Universal Upgrade Attack action

Hex 3 SwordFury 3 Damage 1

Reaction: After this Attack action, give this fighter one Ice counter.
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FO26 Cool and Calm Universal Upgrade While this fighter has one or more Ice counters, re-roll one dice in this fighter's casting rolls and this fighter's wizard level is 2 unless it would be higher.
Spell Action (ChannelChannel): Give this fighter one Ice counter. This fighter cannot make this action if this fighter has one or more Ice counters.
- Wizard Force of Frost Rivals Deck - -  
FO27 Everwinter Staff Universal Upgrade Attack action

Hex 2 HammerSmash 2 Damage 2

You cannot give this to a Khorne fighter. This fighter is a wizard with a wizard level of 2, unless it would be higher.
- - Force of Frost Rivals Deck - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
FO28 Frostwyrm Cloak Universal Upgrade You cannot give this to a Large fighter.
-1 Damage, to a minimum of 1, from Attack actions that target this fighter while this fighter has one or more Ice counters.
Reaction: After this fighter's activation, give this fighter one Ice counter.
- - Force of Frost Rivals Deck - - 5/44 (11.36%)  
FO29 Frozen Heart Universal Upgrade This fighter has the following cumulative abilities, determined by the number of Ice counters this fighter has:
1+: +1 Wounds
2+: This fighter's Attack actions have Stagger
3+: This fighter's Attack actions have Critical successCritical success Grievous 1.
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FO30 Iceburn Blade Universal Upgrade Spell Attack action

Hex 1 FocusFocus - Damage 2

Reaction: After this Attack action, give this fighter one Ice counter.
- Wizard Force of Frost Rivals Deck - -