Shared deck

Sepulchral Guard Sepulchral Guard
Death Death

Card sets (7)

Core setSepulchral Guard expansionIronskull's Boyz expansionThe Chosen Axes expansionSpiteclaw's Swarm expansionMagore's Fiends expansionThe Farstriders expansion

Play formats

Cards: 7 | 32 non-Rivals card/s

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals Relic Open

Upgrades (10)

8 | 2

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
62 March of the Dead Sepulchral Guard Objective Score this in an end phase if all of your surviving fighters (at least five) made a Move action in the preceding action phase.
Forsaken Forsaken
2 - Sepulchral Guard expansion ? -  
65 Skills Unforgotten Sepulchral Guard Objective Score this immediately if your leader takes an enemy fighter out of action.
Forsaken Forsaken
1 - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
69 Ceaseless Attacks Sepulchral Guard Ploy Reaction: Play this after a friendly fighter's Attack action. Make an Attack action with another friendly fighter.
Forsaken Forsaken
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
73 Restless Dead Sepulchral Guard Ploy Place one friendly fighter that is out of action, other than the Sepulchral Warden, on a starting hex in your territory. Give that fighter one Raise counter.
Forsaken Forsaken
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
83 Frightening Speed Sepulchral Guard Upgrade +2 Move.
Forsaken Forsaken
- The Harvester, The Champion, The Prince of Dust Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
85 Lethal Lunge Sepulchral Guard Upgrade

Hex 2 HammerSmash 2 Damage 3

Forsaken Forsaken
- The Sepulchral Warden Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
235 Alone in the Darkness Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are no adjacent fighters on the battlefield.
2 - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
236 Annihilation Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if all enemy fighters have been taken out of action.
5 - Core set - SSduplicate  
243 Change of Tactics Universal Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter on Guard makes a Charge action.
1 - The Farstriders expansion - -  
250 Crushing Force Universal Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter makes a successful attack that deals at least twice as much damage as is needed to take their target out of action.
1 - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
252 Defensive Strike Universal Objective Score this immediately when your warband takes an enemy fighter standing in your territory out of action.
1 - The Farstriders expansion - -  
257 Escalation Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if three or more upgrade cards were played in the preceding action phase.
2 - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion ? -  
274 Miraculous Escape Universal Objective Score this immediately if one of your fighters is the target of an enemy Attack action with a Dice characteristic of 3 or more that fails.
1 - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
284 Precise Use of Force Universal Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter makes a successful Attack action that deals exactly enough damage to take their target out of action.
1 - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
292 Supremacy Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you hold three or more objectives.
3 - Core set - SSduplicate 3/44 (6.82%)  
305 Victorious Duel Universal Objective Score this immediately if your leader takes an enemy leader out of action.
2 - Ironskull's Boyz expansion - SSduplicate  
324 Forceful Denial Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this when an opponent plays a ploy. Roll a defence dice. On a roll of BlockBlock or Critical successCritical success that ploy has no effect.
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
329 Great Concussion Universal Ploy Choose a hex on the battlefield, then push all fighters one hex (in whichever order you choose). This push must move them away from the chosen hex. If there is no hex you could push a fighter into, do not push them.
- - The Farstriders expansion - -  
331 Hidden Paths Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter that hasn't made a Move action this phase and is on any edge hex. Place them on any other edge hex. They are considered to have made a Move action.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion ? -  
347 Quick Thinker Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after an enemy fighter's Move action. Make a Move action with a friendly fighter who has not already made a Move action in this phase.
- - The Farstriders expansion - -  
348 Ready for Action Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after you upgrade a fighter in an action phase. They can make a Move or Attack action.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion ? -  
368 Time Trap Universal Ploy Choose a fighter. They can take an action. Skip your next activation (you cannot play this card after your fourth activation).
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
369 Trap Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this during a friendly fighter's Attack action that drives an enemy fighter back. The enemy fighter suffers 1 damage.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion ? -  
372 Twist the Knife Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this during a friendly fighter's Attack action that has a Range of 1 and will succeed. It has +1 Damage for that Attack action.
- - The Farstriders expansion - -  
374 Acrobatic Universal Upgrade If this fighter has a DodgeDodge Defence characteristic or has a BlockBlock Defence characteristic but is on Guard, roll an extra defence dice when they are the target of an Attack action.
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion ? -  
378 Concealed Weapon Universal Upgrade On a critical hit, this fighter's Attack actions with a Range of 1 have +2 Damage.
- - The Farstriders expansion - -  
390 Great Speed Universal Upgrade +1 Move.
- - Core set - SSduplicate  
391 Great Strength Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to all Attack actions with a Range of 1 or 2.
- - Core set - SSduplicate 37/44 (84.09%)  
410 Shadeglass Dagger Universal Upgrade (Errata update) The Grievous 1 keyword replaces the similar ability on this card.

Hex 1 SwordFury 3 Damage 3

When this Attack action is successful, discard this upgrade. On a critical hit, this Attack action has +1 Damage.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
411 Shadeglass Darts Universal Upgrade (Errata update) The Grievous 1 keyword replaces the similar ability on this card.

Hex 3 SwordFury 3 Damage 1

On a critical hit, this Attack action has +1 Damage.
- - Ironskull's Boyz expansion - -  
424 Tethered Spirit Universal Upgrade (Errata update) Reaction: During an Attack action or ploy that takes this fighter out of action, roll a defence dice. If you roll a BlockBlock or Critical successCritical success place them on any starting hex in your territory, ignore the damage and discard this upgrade (they cannot be driven back). If you cannot, they are taken out of action.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
431 Total Offence Universal Upgrade (Errata update) When this fighter makes their first Attack action in an activation or power step (other than an Attack action made as part of a Charge action), you can choose for that Attack action to have +2 Dice. If you do, this fighter cannot be activated again this phase.
- - Core set - -