Shared deck

Garrek's Reavers Garrek's Reavers
Chaos Chaos

Card sets (12)

Core setDirechasm core setKhagra's Ravagers expansionThe Starblood Stalkers expansionThe Crimson Court expansionHedkrakka's Madmob expansionEssential Cards PackArena Mortis 2 expansionHarrowdeep core setThe Exiled Dead expansionNethermaze core setGorechosen of Dromm expansion

Play formats

Cards: 6 | 25 non-Rivals card/s | Primacy

Relic Open

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
2 Blood for the Blood God! Garrek's Reavers Objective Score this immediately if three or more of your fighters made a Charge action in this phase. (Able to be scored if you draw this card after the condition was met).
1 - Core set - SSduplicate  
5 It Begins Garrek's Reavers Objective Score this in an end phase if at least one fighter from each warband is out of action.
1 - Core set - SSduplicate  
6 Khorne Cares Not Garrek's Reavers Objective Score this in an end phase if five or more fighters are out of action.
2 - Core set - SSduplicate  
10 Blood Offering Garrek's Reavers Ploy Choose a friendly fighter. They suffer 1 damage. Roll two extra attack dice for their first Attack action in the next activation.
- - Core set - SSduplicate  
15 Fuelled by Slaughter Garrek's Reavers Ploy Reaction: Play this after an Attack action or ploy that takes a fighter out of action. A friendly fighter can make an Attack action.
- - Core set - SSduplicate  
16 Insensate Garrek's Reavers Ploy The first friendly fighter who suffers any amount of damage in the next activation only suffers one damage.
- - Core set ? SSduplicate  
24 Frenzy Garrek's Reavers Upgrade Roll an extra attack dice when this fighter makes a Charge action.
- - Core set ? SSduplicate  
DC262 Awesome Predator Universal Objective Hybrid: Score this in an end phase if:
You have the Primacy token
Or: One or more surviving friendly fighters have one or more Attack actions with a Damage characteristic of 4+.
1 - Direchasm core set - -  
DC267 Clean Kills Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Enemy fighters with a combined Wounds characteristic of 6 or more are out of action
And: No enemy fighter has one or more wound counters.
2 - The Starblood Stalkers expansion - -  
DC306 Primal Display Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack action if:
That Attack action took the target out of action
And: You have Primacy token.
1 - Hedkrakka's Madmob expansion - -  
DC361 Ferocious Blow Universal Ploy +1 Damage to the first Range 1 or Range 2 Attack action made by a friendly fighter in the next activation.
In addition, that Attack action has Cleave if that friendly fighter has one or more Hunger counters.
- - Direchasm core set - -  
DC398 Punching Up Universal Ploy Choose one fighter with the lowest Wounds characteristic of any surviving fighters. In the next activation, that fighter is a Hunter and has +1 Dice and +1 Damage to their Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
- - The Crimson Court expansion ? -  
DC445 Feral Symbiote Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions. After this fighter's activation, give this fighter 1 Hunger counter. Then, if this fighter has 3 or more Hunger counters, deal 1 damage to this fighter.
- - Khagra's Ravagers expansion - -  
DC477 Savage Speed Universal Upgrade This fighter is a Hunter.
+2 Move.
-1 Defence (to a minimum of 1).
- - Direchasm core set - -  
DC478 Savage Strength Universal Upgrade This fighter is a Hunter.
+1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 or Range 2 Attack actions.
-1 Defence (to a minimum of 1).
- - Direchasm core set - -  
E15 Pure Carnage Universal Objective Score this in the third end phase if seven or more fighters are out of action.
3 - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 7/60 (11.67%)  
E31 Inspired Attack Universal Ploy +1 Dice and +1 Damage to the first Range 1 Attack action made by an Inspired friendly fighter in the next activation.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 7/60 (11.67%)  
E35 Mighty Swing Universal Ploy The first Range 1 Attack action made by a friendly fighter in the next activation has Scything.
- - Essential Cards Pack ? NewestDuplicate 12/60 (20%)  
E51 Great Strength Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 51/60 (85%)  
E60 Swordbreaker Universal Upgrade

Hex 1 HammerSmash 3 Damage 2

On a critical hit, pick one of the target's Attack action upgrades. Discard that card.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate  
AM8 Courage of the Meek Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter with a Wounds characteristic of 3 or less. In the next activation, after the first time the chosen fighter's Attack action takes a target with a higher Wounds characteristic out of action, gain 1 glory point.
- - Arena Mortis 2 expansion - -  
AM17 Omega's Offering Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter and put one glory point on this card. Ater the chosen fighter is taken out of action by an enemy warband, you gain the glory point on this card. This effect persists until the chosen fighter is taken out of action.
- - Arena Mortis 2 expansion - -  
AM21 Berserker Rage Universal Upgrade +1 Dice and +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
During Attack actions that target this fighter, skip the defence roll in the combat sequence for that Attack action. This fighter is considered to have rolled 0 successes in their defence roll.
- - Arena Mortis 2 expansion - -  
H146 Path of Chaos Chaos Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
Three or more friendly fighters are in enemy territory
And: Two or more enemy fighters are out of action.
2 - Harrowdeep core set - -  
H191 Contest of Equals Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a failed Attack action if the attack roll and the defence roll contained the same number of successes (including critical successes).
1 - Harrowdeep core set ? - 19/60 (31.67%)  
H194 Ever Downwards Universal Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after a power step in which:
You delved three or more times
Or: You delved one or more times, and one of the feature tokens you delved was in a hex in enemy territory and occupied by your leader.
1 - The Exiled Dead expansion - - 2/60 (3.33%)  
H220 Reckless Swing Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation step in which a friendly fighter made a Range 1 Attack action that targeted a fighter with more supporting fighters than the attacker.
1 - Harrowdeep core set - - 6/60 (10%)  
H228 Unequal Contest Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's successful Attack action if the attack roll contained only successes (including critical successes).
1 - Harrowdeep core set - - 5/60 (8.33%)  
H267 Whetted Blades Universal Ploy Pick one:
You can re-roll one attack dice in the attack roll for the first Range 1 or Range 2 Attack action in the next activation step
Or: That Attack action has Cleave.
In either case, if an assassin makes that Attack action, that Attack action also has Grievous.
- - Harrowdeep core set - - 3/60 (5%)  
NM156 Reckless Pact Chaos Upgrade Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, after the defence roll, deal 0, 1 or 2 damage to this fighter, then re-roll X dice in the attack roll, where X is the amount of damage you dealt to this fighter. Re-roll one additional dice if this fighter is a Tzeentch fighter.
- - Nethermaze core set - -  
NM280 Dark Parasites Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to enemy fighters' Range 1 Attack actions that target this fighter.
+1 Damage and Grievous to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
- - Gorechosen of Dromm expansion - - 10/60 (16.67%)  
NM287 Ferocious Bite Universal Upgrade +1 Dice to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
+2 Dice to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions instead if this fighter is a beast.
- - Nethermaze core set - - 3/60 (5%)