Shared deck

Spiteclaw's Swarm Spiteclaw's Swarm
Chaos Chaos

Card sets (13)

Core setSpiteclaw's Swarm expansionLeadersNightvault core setEyes of the Nine expansionZarbag's Gitz expansionGarrek's Reavers expansionSteelheart's Champions expansionGodsworn Hunt expansionMollog's Mob expansionThundrik's Profiteers expansionYlthari's Guardians expansionPower Unbound

Play formats

Cards: 6 | 32 non-Rivals card/s


Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals Relic

Objectives (12)

Total glory - 17
6 | 5 | 1
0 | 0

Upgrades (10)

8 | 2

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
154 Skritch is the Greatest, Yes-yes Spiteclaw's Swarm Objective Score this immediately if your leader takes an enemy fighter out of action.
Forsaken Forsaken
1 - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
155 Aversion to Death Spiteclaw's Swarm Ploy Reaction: Play this after an Attack action that takes a friendly fighter out of action. Push up to two friendly fighters one hex each.
Forsaken Forsaken
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
156 Frenzied Stabbing Spiteclaw's Swarm Ploy The first Attack action with a Range of 1 or 2 in the next activation has +1 Damage.
Forsaken Forsaken
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
158 Momentary Boldness Spiteclaw's Swarm Ploy Choose a friendly fighter adjacent to two or more friendly fighters. That fighter makes a Charge action.
Forsaken Forsaken
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
160 Nervous Scrabbling Spiteclaw's Swarm Ploy Choose a friendly fighter. They switch places with any adjacent fighter.
Forsaken Forsaken
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion ? -  
164 There Are Always More Spiteclaw's Swarm Ploy Choose one friendly fighter that is out of action (other than Skritch or Krrk). Remove all wound tokens from them and place them on any starting hex.
Forsaken Forsaken
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion ? -  
168 Festering Blades Spiteclaw's Swarm Upgrade On a critical hit, this fighter's Attack actions with a Range of 1 or 2 have +2 Damage.
Forsaken Forsaken
- Festering Skaven Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
292 Supremacy Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you hold three or more objectives.
3 - Core set - SSduplicate 3/44 (6.82%)  
L12 Krrk the Clawchief Spiteclaw's Swarm Upgrade Action: Return a friendly fighter (other than Skritch) to the battlefield in an empty hex adjacent to this fighter.
Forsaken Forsaken
- Krrk the Almost-Trusted Leaders - -  
N291 Acolyte of the Katophranes Universal Objective Score this in the third end phase if you have at least one surviving friendly fighter that has at least one Katophrane Tome. Choose a surviving friendly. Gain 1 glory point for each Katophrane Tome that fighter has.
1 - Eyes of the Nine expansion - -  
N299 Branching Fate Universal Objective Score this immediately if you roll three or more dice in an attack or defence roll and they all show a different symbol.
1 - Thundrik's Profiteers expansion - NVduplicate 9/44 (20.45%)  
N302 Calculated Risk Universal Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter makes a Move action through a lethal hex that damages them but doesn't take them out of action.
1 - Thundrik's Profiteers expansion ? -  
N319 Fired Up Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if at least one surviving friendly fighter is Inspired.
1 - Eyes of the Nine expansion - -  
N340 Keep Them Guessing Universal Objective (Errata update) Score this in an end phase if your warband made at least four different actions from the following list in the preceding action phase: Move (other than as part of a Charge), Attack (other than as part of a Charge), Charge, Guard, another action on a fighter card (other than a reaction).
2 - Zarbag's Gitz expansion - -  
N343 Longstrider Universal Objective Score this immediately when a friendly fighter makes their second or subsequent Move action in a single action phase.
1 - Godsworn Hunt expansion ? -  
N347 Martyred Universal Objective Score this immediately if the first fighter taken out of action in this round is a friendly fighter.
1 - Garrek's Reavers expansion ? -  
N376 Tactical Supremacy 1-4 Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you hold objectives 1 and 4.
2 - Eyes of the Nine expansion - -  
N377 Tactical Supremacy 2-5 Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you hold objectives 2 and 5.
2 - Thundrik's Profiteers expansion - -  
N403 Confusion Universal Ploy Choose two fighters that are adjacent to each other and switch them.
- - Nightvault core set - NVduplicate 3/44 (6.82%)  
N433 Noble Sacrifice Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this during an Attack action that targets your leader, before any dice are rolled. Choose a friendly fighter adjacent to your leader, and roll a defence dice. On a roll of Single SupportSingle support, Double SupportDouble support or Critical successCritical success, switch the positions of the fighter you chose and your leader. The fighter you chose is now the target of the Attack action.
- - Ylthari's Guardians expansion - -  
N445 Shifting Reflection Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter and an enemy fighter that are both holding an objective. Switch those fighters' positions.
- - Thundrik's Profiteers expansion - -  
N489 Crown of Avarice Universal Upgrade (Errata update) Reaction: During an opponent's gambit or during an enemy fighter's Attack action that will take this fighter out of action, after the deal damage step, pick one opponent and take up to one of their unspent glory points.
- - Thundrik's Profiteers expansion ? -  
N499 Faneway Crystal Universal Upgrade When this fighter makes a Move action, they do not move normally. Instead, place them on any objective token, then discard this card. It is still considered to be a Move action.
- - Zarbag's Gitz expansion ? -  
N522 Nullstone Sword Universal Upgrade

Hex 1 HammerSmash 3 Damage 2

You can re-roll one dice in the attack roll if the target is a wizard.
- - Garrek's Reavers expansion - -  
N545 Tome of Diseases Universal Upgrade Katophrane Tome
Action: Choose an adjacent enemy fighter. They suffer 1 damage.
- - Eyes of the Nine expansion - -  
N546 Tome of Glories Universal Upgrade Katophrane Tome
Action: If this fighter is holding an objective, gain 1 glory point. Place a Charge token next to this fighter.
- - Steelheart's Champions expansion - -  
N547 Tome of Healing Universal Upgrade (Errata update)
Katophrane Tome
Action: Choose this fighter or an adjacent friendly fighter. Remove up to one wound token from that fighter's fighter card.
- - Thundrik's Profiteers expansion - -  
N551 Tome of Vitality Universal Upgrade Katophrane Tome
+1 Wounds.
- - Mollog's Mob expansion - -  
N552 Tome of Warfare Universal Upgrade Katophrane Tome
Action: Choose this fighter or an adjacent friendly fighter. Their next Attack action has +1 Dice.
- - Garrek's Reavers expansion - -  
P32 Shortcut Universal Objective Score this immediately when a friendly fighter is taken out of one hex and immediately placed in a different hex, but not as a result of a push or a Move action.
1 - Power Unbound ? -  
P41 Inspired Attack Universal Ploy The first Attack action with a Range of 1 made by an Inspired friendly fighter in the next activation has +1 Dice and +1 Damage.
- - Power Unbound - NVduplicate 6/44 (13.64%)  
P47 Two Steps Forward Universal Ploy Choose two friendly fighters and push each of them one hex. Then choose an opponent: they choose one fighter from their warband and push them up to one hex.
- - Power Unbound ? -