Wrack and Ruin Rivals Deck

Universal Universal

Card sets (1)

Wrack and Ruin Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Nemesis Rivals

Organised Play

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
WR1 Alone in the Dark Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if no fighters are adjacent.
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WR2 Bloody and Bruised Universal Objective Score this immediately after your warband inflicts damage on an enemy fighter if 3 or more fighters are damaged.
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WR3 Careful Advance Universal Objective Score this immediately after a friendly fighter Moves if 2 or more friendly fighters that have Move tokens are in enemy territory.
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WR4 Living on the Edge Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if a vulnerable friendly fighter is in enemy territory.
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WR5 Low on Options Universal Objective Score this immediately after you discard a Power card if 5 or more Ploy cards are in your Power discard pile.
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WR6 Out of the Frying Pan Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if 3 or more damaged friendly fighters that have Move and/or Charge tokens are in enemy territory.
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WR7 Ploymaster Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you played 3 or more Ploys this battle round.
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WR8 Predictable End Universal Objective Score this immediately after an ability on a friendly Wrack and Ruin card inflicts damage on an enemy fighter holding a treasure token.
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WR9 Spread Out! Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there is a friendly fighter in each territory.
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WR10 Stay Close Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are no fighters in edge hexes.
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WR11 Strong Start Universal Objective Score this immediately after an enemy fighter is slain if that fighter was the first fighter slain this combat phase.
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WR12 Unsafe Ground Universal Objective Score this immediately after your warband inflicts damage on an enemy fighter in an edge hex. If you are the underdog, that enemy fighter can be within 1 hex of an edge hex instead.
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WR13 Confusion Universal Ploy Pick 2 adjacent fighters. Remove those fighters from the battlefield and then place each in the hex the other was removed from.
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WR14 Damned if you Do Universal Ploy Your opponent must pick 1 of the following abilities for you to resolve:
Pick an enemy fighter. Push that fighter 1 hex.
Pick an enemy fighter that is not vulnerable. Inflict 1 damage on that fighter.
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WR15 Deadly Traps Universal Ploy Play this immediately after a friendly fighter's drawn Attack if the target is not vulnerable and was driven back. Inflict 1 damage on the target.
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WR16 Fault Lines Universal Ploy Pick an undamaged enemy fighter. Inflict 1 damage on that fighter. Then, your opponent can pick a fighter. Inflict 1 damage on that fighter.
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WR17 Fireproof Universal Ploy The first time damage is inflicted on a friendly fighter in the next turn, reduce that damage to 1.
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WR18 Flee! Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter in friendly territory. That fighter has +3 Move in your next Action step. If that fighter Moves in that Action step, that Move cannot end in friendly territory.
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WR19 Ominous Rumbling Universal Ploy Your opponent must pick 1 of the following abilities for you to resolve:
Pick 2 enemy fighters. Give each of those fighters a Stagger token.
Pick an enemy fighter that is not vulnerable. Inflict 1 damage on that fighter.
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WR20 Sidle Up Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Push that fighter up to 2 hexes. That push must end adjacent to 2 or more fighters.
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WR21 Vicious Intent Universal Ploy Play this immediately after you pick a melee weapon as part of an Attack. That weapon has +1 Attack dice for that Attack. If the target is undamaged, that weapon has +2 Attack dice for that Attack instead.
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WR22 Volcanic Eruption Universal Ploy Pick a fighter. Then your opponent can pick an enemy fighter. Starting with the fighter you picked, roll a number of Attack dice for each of those fighters equal to their Bounty characteristic, to a minimum of 1. If the roll contains any HammerSmash, inflict 1 damage on that fighter.
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WR23 Barge Universal Upgrade Barge: This fighter can use this Core ability if they have no Move and/or Charge tokens. This fighter Moves. That Move must end adjacent to an enemy fighter. Give this fighter a Charge token. Then, pick an enemy fighter adjacent to this fighter. Push that fighter 1 hex then give them a Stagger token.
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WR24 Desperate Defence Universal Upgrade While this fighter is the target of an Attack, the attacker's weapons have -1 Damage. The next time damage is inflicted on this fighter as part on an Attack, discard this card.
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WR25 Fiery Temper Universal Upgrade Belligerent: Immediately after this fighter has been picked to be pushed, you can inflict 1 damage on this fighter. If you do so, this fighter is not pushed.
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WR26 Great Speed Universal Upgrade This fighter has +1 Move.
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WR27 Henchman Universal Upgrade Disciplined: Immediately after you make an Attack roll for this fighter, you can change 1 result to Single SupportSingle support. You cannot re-roll Attack rolls for this fighter.
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WR28 Misfortune Universal Upgrade Ill-fated: Immediately after this fighter uses a Core ability, you can inflict 1 damage on this fighter. Then, you can remove this Upgrade from this fighter and equip another friendly fighter with this Upgrade.
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WR29 Rock-splitting Tread Universal Upgrade Stomp: Immediately after your last Action step in a battle round, pick an adjacent enemy fighter that is not vulnerable. Inflict 1 damage on that fighter. Then, roll an Attack dice. On an HammerSmash, discard this card.
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WR30 Sundering Weapon Universal Upgrade This fighter's melee weapons have Cleave.
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WR31 Unstoppable Universal Upgrade While this fighter is vulnerable, each time 1 damage is inflicted on this fighter, reduce that damage to 0.
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WR32 Wary Tread Universal Upgrade You can use this ability after the last Power step in a battle round. Push this fighter 1 hex. That push cannot end adjacent to any fighters.
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