Pillage and Plunder Rivals Deck

Universal Universal

Card sets (1)

Pillage and Plunder Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Nemesis Rivals

Organised Play

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
PL1 Broken Prospects Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if 3 or more different treasure tokens were Delved by your warband this battle round or if a treasure token held by an enemy fighter at the start of the battle round was Delved by your warband this battle round.
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PL2 Against the Odds Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if an odd-numbered treasure token was Delved by your warband this battle round.
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PL3 Lost in the Depths Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if no friendly fighters are adjacent and any friendly fighters are not slain.
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PL4 Desolate Homeland Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are 1 or fewer treasure tokens in friendly territory.
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PL5 Torn Landscape Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are 2 or fewer treasure tokens on the battlefield.
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PL6 Strip the Realm Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are no treasure tokens on the battlefield or if no enemy fighters hold any treasure tokens.
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PL7 Aggressive Claimant Universal Objective Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's successful Attack if the target was in neutral territory, or the target was holding a treasure token when you picked them to be the target of that Attack and is no longer holding that treasure token.
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PL8 Claim the Prize Universal Objective Score this immediately after a friendly fighter Delves in enemy territory. If you are the underdog, that Delve can be in friendly territory instead.
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PL9 Delving for Wealth Universal Objective Score this immediately after your warband Delves for the third or subsequent time this combat phase.
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PL10 Share the Load Universal Objective Score this immediately after a friendly fighter Moves, if that fighter and any other friendly fighters are each on feature tokens.
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PL11 Hostile Takeover Universal Objective Score this immediately after the second or subsequent Attack made by your warband that was not part of a Charge.
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PL12 Careful Survey Universal Objective Score this immediately after an Action step if there is a friendly fighter in each territory.
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PL13 Sidestep Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Push that fighter 1 hex.
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PL14 Prideful Duellist Universal Ploy Play this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack if the attacker is in enemy territory. Heal the attacker.
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PL15 Commanding Stride Universal Ploy Push your leader up to 3 hexes. That push must end in a starting hex.
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PL16 Crumbling Mine Universal Ploy Pick a treasure token that is not held. Flip that treasure token.
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PL17 Explosive Charges Universal Ploy Domain: Friendly fighters have +1 Move while using Charge abilities. This effect persists until the end of the battle round or until another Domain card is played.
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PL18 Wary Delver Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter with any Charge tokens. Give that fighter a Guard token.
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PL19 Brash Scout Universal Ploy Play this immediately after you make an Attack roll for a fighter in enemy territory. Re-roll 1 dice in that Attack roll. If you are the underdog, you can re-roll each dice in that Attack roll instead.
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PL20 Sudden Blast Universal Ploy Pick an enemy fighter adjacent to a friendly fighter. Give that enemy fighter a Stagger token.
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PL21 Tunnelling Terror Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter with no Move or Charge tokens. Remove that fighter from the battlefield, and then place that fighter in an empty stagger hex. Then, give that fighter a Charge token. If you are the underdog, you can give that fighter a Move token instead.
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PL22 Trapped Cache Universal Ploy Pick an undamaged enemy fighter within 1 hex of a treasure token. Inflict 1 damage on that fighter.
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PL23 Great Speed Universal Upgrade This fighter have +1 Move.
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PL24 Swift Step Universal Upgrade Quick: Immediately after this fighter has Charged, you can push this fighter 1 hex.
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PL25 Burrowing Strike Universal Upgrade Melee Attack action

Hex 2 SwordFury 2 Damage 2

This weapon has +1 Attack dice while this fighter has any Stagger tokens or is on a feature token.
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PL26 Tough Enough Universal Upgrade While this fighter is in enemy territory, Save rolls for this fighter cannot be affected by Cleave and Ensnare.
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PL27 Canny Sapper Universal Upgrade Sneaky: Immediately after you play a Ploy in a Power step, you can remove this fighter from the battlefield. Place this fighter in an empty stagger hex or in an empty starting hex in friendly territory, and then discard this card.
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PL28 Impossibly Quick Universal Upgrade This fighter has +1 Save.
Immediately discard this Upgrade after an enemy fighter's failed Attack if this fighter was the target.
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PL29 Linebreaker Universal Upgrade This fighter's weapons have Brutal.
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PL30 Excavating Blast Universal Upgrade Ranged Attack action

Hex 3 HammerSmash 2 Damage 1

This weapon has Stagger while this fighter is in enemy territory.
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PL31 Gloryseeker Universal Upgrade This fighter's melee weapons have Grievous if the target has a Health characteristic of 4 or more.
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PL32 Frenzy of Greed Universal Upgrade While this fighter is on a treasure token in enemy territory or is in a stagger hex, Save rolls for this fighter are not affected by Cleave and Ensnare and this fighter cannot be given Stagger tokens.
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