Shared deck

Godsworn Hunt Godsworn Hunt
Chaos Chaos

Card sets (13)

Core setSepulchral Guard expansionIronskull's Boyz expansionThe Chosen Axes expansionSpiteclaw's Swarm expansionMagore's Fiends expansionThe Farstriders expansionLeadersEyes of the Nine expansionZarbag's Gitz expansionGarrek's Reavers expansionGodsworn Hunt expansionMollog's Mob expansion

Play formats

Cards: 3 | 25 non-Rivals card/s


Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals Relic

Objectives (12)

Total glory - 19
3 | 9 | 0
0 | 0

Upgrades (10)

9 | 1

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
243 Change of Tactics Universal Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter on Guard makes a Charge action.
1 - The Farstriders expansion - -  
257 Escalation Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if three or more upgrade cards were played in the preceding action phase.
2 - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion ? -  
272 Master of War Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you scored an objective card, played a ploy card and played an upgrade card in this round.
1 - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
278 Our Only Way Out Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you hold three or more objectives.
2 - The Farstriders expansion - -  
292 Supremacy Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you hold three or more objectives.
3 - Core set - SSduplicate 3/37 (8.11%)  
320 Duel of Wits Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this when an opponent plays a ploy. Draw two power cards.
- - Ironskull's Boyz expansion - SSduplicate 10/37 (27.03%)  
333 Improvisation Universal Ploy Discard all power cards in your hand and draw three power cards.
- - The Farstriders expansion ? -  
336 Last Chance Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this during an Attack action that would take a friendly fighter out of action. Roll a defence dice. If the result would not normally be a success for this fighter, ignore the damage from that Attack action on this fighter.
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
362 Spoils of Battle Universal Ploy Play an upgrade card. This doesn't cost a glory point.
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
384 Deathly Fortitude Universal Upgrade -2 Move, +2 Wounds.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
396 Katophrane's Belt Universal Upgrade (Errata update)
Katophrane Relic
A player can only play this card by spending two glory points (instead of one) and applying the upgrade card to an eligible fighter. If this fighter has two or more Katophrane Relics, they gain the following (cumulative) abilities.
2+ Relics: Reaction: During an Attack action that targets this fighter, re-roll the defence dice.
3+ Relics: Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, re-roll the attack dice.
4+ Relics: Reaction: After this fighter's action, draw two power cards.
6+ Relics: Action: Gain 4 glory points.
- - Ironskull's Boyz expansion ? -  
397 Katophrane's Boots Universal Upgrade (Errata update)
Katophrane Relic
A player can only play this card by spending two glory points (instead of one) and applying the upgrade card to an eligible fighter. If this fighter has two or more Katophrane Relics, they gain the following (cumulative) abilities.
2+ Relics: Reaction: During an Attack action that targets this fighter, re-roll the defence dice.
3+ Relics: Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, re-roll the attack dice.
4+ Relics: Reaction: After this fighter's action, draw two power cards.
6+ Relics: Action: Gain 4 glory points.
- - The Farstriders expansion ? -  
398 Katophrane's Gloves Universal Upgrade (Errata update)
Katophrane Relic
A player can only play this card by spending two glory points (instead of one) and applying the upgrade card to an eligible fighter. If this fighter has two or more Katophrane Relics, they gain the following (cumulative) abilities.
2+ Relics: Reaction: During an Attack action that targets this fighter, re-roll the defence dice.
3+ Relics: Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, re-roll the attack dice.
4+ Relics: Reaction: After this fighter's action, draw two power cards.
6+ Relics: Action: Gain 4 glory points.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion ? -  
399 Katophrane's Hood Universal Upgrade (Errata update)
Katophrane Relic
A player can only play this card by spending two glory points (instead of one) and applying the upgrade card to an eligible fighter. If this fighter has two or more Katophrane Relics, they gain the following (cumulative) abilities.
2+ Relics: Reaction: During an Attack action that targets this fighter, re-roll the defence dice.
3+ Relics: Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, re-roll the attack dice.
4+ Relics: Reaction: After this fighter's action, draw two power cards.
6+ Relics: Action: Gain 4 glory points.
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion ? -  
400 Katophrane's Locket Universal Upgrade (Errata update)
Katophrane Relic
A player can only play this card by spending two glory points (instead of one) and applying the upgrade card to an eligible fighter. If this fighter has two or more Katophrane Relics, they gain the following (cumulative) abilities.
2+ Relics: Reaction: During an Attack action that targets this fighter, re-roll the defence dice.
3+ Relics: Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, re-roll the attack dice.
4+ Relics: Reaction: After this fighter's action, draw two power cards.
6+ Relics: Action: Gain 4 glory points.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion ? -  
401 Katophrane's Plate Universal Upgrade (Errata update)
Katophrane Relic
A player can only play this card by spending two glory points (instead of one) and applying the upgrade card to an eligible fighter. If this fighter has two or more Katophrane Relics, they gain the following (cumulative) abilities.
2+ Relics: Reaction: During an Attack action that targets this fighter, re-roll the defence dice.
3+ Relics: Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, re-roll the attack dice.
4+ Relics: Reaction: After this fighter's action, draw two power cards.
6+ Relics: Action: Gain 4 glory points.
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion ? -  
L42 Quick Advance Universal Ploy Choose up to two friendly fighters (other than your leader) and push each of them up to one hex. You can only play this if your leader is on the battlefield.
- - Leaders ? -  
L51 Katophrane's Ring Universal Upgrade (Errata update)
Katophrane Relic
A player can only play this card by spending two glory points (instead of one) and applying the upgrade card to an eligible fighter. If this fighter has two or more Katophrane Relics, they gain the following (cumulative) abilities.
2+ Relics: Reaction: During an Attack action that targets this fighter, re-roll the defence dice.
3+ Relics: Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, re-roll the attack dice.
4+ Relics: Reaction: After this fighter's action, draw two power cards.
6+ Relics: Action: Gain 4 glory points.
- - Leaders ? -  
N175 A Worthy Deed Godsworn Hunt Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter takes an enemy fighter with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or more out of action with an Attack action.
1 - Godsworn Hunt expansion - -  
N177 Glory or Damnation Godsworn Hunt Objective Score this in an end phase if a surviving friendly fighter has three or more upgrades.
1 - Godsworn Hunt expansion - -  
N183 Oath of Supremacy Godsworn Hunt Objective You may reveal this card at the start of your first activation in the action phase, then return it to your hand. Score this in an end phase if you hold three or more objectives. If you revealed this card, gain 1 additional glory point.
3 - Godsworn Hunt expansion - -  
N184 Brutal Sacrifice Godsworn Hunt Ploy Choose a friendly fighter adjacent to another friendly fighter, and an upgrade in your hand that can be applied to the fighter you chose. The other fighter is taken out of action, and the upgrade is applied to the fighter you chose.
- - Godsworn Hunt expansion ? -  
N185 Dark Destiny Godsworn Hunt Ploy Reaction: Play this during an Attack action that would take a friendly fighter out of action. Roll a defence dice. On a roll of BlockBlock or Critical successCritical success the fighter takes no damage, is not driven back and is not taken out of action.
- - Godsworn Hunt expansion - -  
N186 Enfeeble Godsworn Hunt Spell Gambit Spell (ChannelChannelChannelChannel): If this spell is cast, choose an enemy fighter within four hexes of the caster. That fighter's Attack actions have -1 Damage (to a minimum of 1). This spell persists until that fighter is out of action.
- - Godsworn Hunt expansion - -  
N198 Path to Glory Godsworn Hunt Upgrade +1 Wounds, +1 Dice to this fighter's Attack actions. You may only apply this upgrade to a fighter that has an upgrade.
- - Godsworn Hunt expansion - -  
N317 Extreme Flank Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there is a friendly fighter on an edge hex and another friendly fighter on an edge hex on the opposite edge of the battlefield to the first fighter. Where there is more than one opposite edge, it must be the furthest of these edges.
2 - Zarbag's Gitz expansion - -  
N319 Fired Up Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if at least one surviving friendly fighter is Inspired.
1 - Eyes of the Nine expansion - -  
N342 Loner Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if at least one surviving friendly fighter has no other fighter within three hexes.
1 - Eyes of the Nine expansion - -  
N347 Martyred Universal Objective Score this immediately if the first fighter taken out of action in this round is a friendly fighter.
1 - Garrek's Reavers expansion ? -  
N417 Ghoulish Pact Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter and an upgrade card from your hand that you can apply to that fighter. That fighter suffers 1 damage. If they survive, apply the upgrade to that fighter.
- - Garrek's Reavers expansion ? -  
N467 Transfixing Stare Universal Ploy Choose an enemy fighter within two hexes of a friendly fighter and place a Move token next to them.
- - Mollog's Mob expansion - -  
N475 Arcane Savant Universal Upgrade +1 wizard level. Apply this upgrade only to a level 1 wizard.
- Wizard Godsworn Hunt expansion - -