Shared deck

Khagra's Ravagers Khagra's Ravagers

Card sets (2)

Emberstone Sentinels Rivals DeckPillage and Plunder Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Organised Play Nemesis

Not valid:

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
ES1 Sally Forth Universal Objective Score this immediately after your opponent's Action step if a friendly fighter with any Charge tokens hold a treasure token in enemy territory.
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ES4 Unassailable Universal Objective Score this immediately after an enemy fighter's Attack if a friendly fighter holding a treasure token was the target of that Attack.
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ES5 Aggressive Defender Universal Objective Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack if the attacker is holding a treasure token.
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ES7 Hold Treasure Token 1 or 2 Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if a friendly fighter holds treasure token 1 or 2.
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ES8 Hold Treasure Token 3 or 4 Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if a friendly fighter holds treasure token 3 or 4.
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ES10 Slow Advance Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband holds any treasure tokens in both neutral territory and enemy territory.
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ES11 Iron Grasp Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband holds all of the treasure tokens in a friendly and/or enemy territory.
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ES12 Supremacy Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if 2 or more friendly fighters with a total Bounty characteristic of 3 or more hold treasure tokens.
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ES13 Switch Things Up Universal Ploy Pick 2 treasure tokens. Swap the positions of those treasure tokens.
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ES14 Sidestep Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Push that fighter 1 hex.
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ES16 Settle In Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter on a feature token. Give that fighter a Guard token.
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ES17 Healing Potion Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Heal that fighter. If you are the underdog, you can roll a Save dice. On a BlockBlock or Critical successCritical success, heal that fighter again.
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ES19 Confusion Universal Ploy Pick 2 adjacent fighters. Remove those fighters from the battlefield and then place each in the hex the other was removed from.
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ES20 Hold the Line! Universal Ploy Fighters cannot be driven back. This effect persists until the end of the next Action step.
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ES26 Sharp Reflexes Universal Upgrade This fighter has +1 Save, to a maximum of 2.
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ES28 Agile Universal Upgrade Deft: After you make a Save roll for this fighter, you can immediately re-roll 1 Save dice in that Save roll.
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ES29 Duellist Universal Upgrade Footwork: Immediately after this fighter has Attacked, you can push this fighter 1 hex.
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ES30 Great Fortitude Universal Upgrade This fighter has +1 Health.
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ES31 Keen Eye Universal Upgrade This fighter's melee weapons have +1 Attack dice.
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ES32 Great Strength Universal Upgrade This fighter's melee weapons have Grievous.
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PL2 Against the Odds Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if an odd-numbered treasure token was Delved by your warband this battle round.
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PL10 Share the Load Universal Objective Score this immediately after a friendly fighter Moves, if that fighter and any other friendly fighters are each on feature tokens.
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PL11 Hostile Takeover Universal Objective Score this immediately after the second or subsequent Attack made by your warband that was not part of a Charge.
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PL12 Careful Survey Universal Objective Score this immediately after an Action step if there is a friendly fighter in each territory.
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PL14 Prideful Duellist Universal Ploy Play this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack if the attacker is in enemy territory. Heal the attacker.
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PL15 Commanding Stride Universal Ploy Push your leader up to 3 hexes. That push must end in a starting hex.
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PL18 Wary Delver Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter with any Charge tokens. Give that fighter a Guard token.
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PL19 Brash Scout Universal Ploy Play this immediately after you make an Attack roll for a fighter in enemy territory. Re-roll 1 dice in that Attack roll. If you are the underdog, you can re-roll each dice in that Attack roll instead.
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PL23 Great Speed Universal Upgrade This fighter have +1 Move.
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PL26 Tough Enough Universal Upgrade While this fighter is in enemy territory, Save rolls for this fighter cannot be affected by Cleave and Ensnare.
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PL28 Impossibly Quick Universal Upgrade This fighter has +1 Save.
Immediately discard this Upgrade after an enemy fighter's failed Attack if this fighter was the target.
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PL31 Gloryseeker Universal Upgrade This fighter's melee weapons have Grievous if the target has a Health characteristic of 4 or more.
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