Edge of the Knife Rivals Deck

Universal Universal

Card sets (1)
Edge of the Knife Rivals Deck

While using this Rivals deck, fighters with a Health characteristic of 2 or less and/or 2 or more damage tokens are tempered.

Edge of the Knife Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Nemesis Rivals

Organised Play

Upgrades (10)

Total glory value - 13

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
EK1 Aggressive Defender Universal Objective Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack if the attacker is holding a treasure token.
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EK2 All In Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are no tempered friendly fighters in friendly territory and any tempered friendly fighters are in neutral and/or enemy territory.
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EK3 Behind Enemy Lines Universal Objective Score this immediately after an opponent's Action step if a tempered friendly fighter holds a feature token in enemy territory.
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EK4 Calm Before the Storm Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are any damaged fighters and those fighters are not adjacent.
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EK5 Double Team Universal Objective Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's successful Attack if the target was Flanked by a friendly fighter.
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EK6 Immovable Universal Objective Score this immediately after an opponent's Action step if a friendly fighter was the target of an Attack in that Action step while they were tempered and the target was not slain.
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EK7 Power in Numbers Universal Objective Score this immediately after an Action step if 3 or more tempered fighters with no Move tokens are adjacent. If you are the underdog score this if 2 or more tempered fighters with no Move tokens are adjacent instead.
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EK8 Risky Position Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if a tempered friendly fighter is in enemy territory.
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EK9 Sneak Into Position Universal Objective Score this immediately after an opponent's Action step if 2 or more tempered friendly fighters are adjacent to the same enemy fighter.
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EK10 Trial of the Tempered Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if each fighter is tempered.
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EK11 Two-pronged Assault Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if 2 or more tempered friendly fighters are in enemy territory.
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EK12 Usurper Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if an enemy leader was slain by a tempered friendly fighter this battle round.
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EK13 Death Throes Universal Ploy Pick a tempered friendly fighter. In the next Action step, Attacks that target this fighter have -2 Attack dice.
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EK14 Fake Out! Universal Ploy Pick an enemy fighter with a Health characteristic of 3 or more that is adjacent to a tempered friendly fighter, and then roll an Attack dice. If the roll contains any HammerSmash or SwordFury, inflict 1 damage on that fighter, and then give that fighter a stagger token. If you are the underdog, the roll can also contain Critical successCritical success.
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EK15 Final Stand Universal Ploy In the next Action step, tempered friendly fighters cannot be pushed.
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EK16 Opportunity Strikes Universal Ploy Play this immediately after you pick a weapon as part of an Attack for a tempered friendly fighter. That weapon had +1 Attack dice for that Attack.
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EK17 Power from Death Universal Ploy Play this immediately after a friendly fighter with a bounty of 1 or more is slain by an enemy fighter, if that fighter was tempered before inflicting the damage that would slay them. Draw up to 3 Power cards.
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EK18 Running Riot Universal Ploy Play this immediately after a tempered friendly fighter's successful Attack. Pick another friendly fighter. That fighter is tempered.
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EK19 Sidestep Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Push that fighter 1 hex.
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EK20 Spiteful Traps Universal Ploy Pick an enemy fighter with a Health characteristic of 3 or more within 2 hexes of your leader. Give that fighter a Move token.
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EK21 Synchronised Effort Universal Ploy Pick 2 tempered friendly fighters within 4 hexes of each other. Remove those fighters from the battlefield and then place each in the hex the other was removed from.
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EK22 The Uprising! Universal Ploy All friendly fighters are tempered in the next Action step.
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EK23 Dark Horse Universal Upgrade This fighter is tempered.
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EK24 Deadly Aim Universal Upgrade This fighter's weapons have Ensnare.
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EK25 Fuelled by Pain Universal Upgrade Melee Attack action

Hex 1 HammerSmash X Damage 2
Critical successCritical success Ensnare

X is equal to the number of damage tokens this fighter has.
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EK26 Great Fortitude Universal Upgrade This fighter has +1 Health.
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EK27 Impervious Universal Upgrade While this fighter is tempered, Save rolls for this fighter cannot be affected by Cleave and Ensnare.
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EK28 Lash Out Universal Upgrade Thrash: Immediately after this fighter is slain, before removing them from the battlefield, roll a number of Save dice equal to the battle round. For each BlockBlock, give an enemy fighter within 2 hexes of this fighter a Move token.
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EK29 Mobbed! Universal Upgrade When this fighter Attacks, if the target is within 3 hexes of any other friendly fighters, the target is Flanked and Surrounded for that Attack.
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EK30 Parting Shot Universal Upgrade Pyrrhic Strike: Immediately after this fighter is slain by an enemy fighter, before removing them from the battlefield, pick an enemy fighter within 2 hexes of them. Give that fighter a stagger token. If this fighter was tempered before inflicting the damage that would slay them, inflict 1 damage on that fighter.
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EK31 Pesky Nuisance Universal Upgrade Enemy fighters adjacent to this fighter must target this fighter with any Attacks.
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EK32 Sharpened Points Universal Upgrade This fighter's weapons have Cleave.
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