Blazing Assault Rivals Deck

Universal Universal

Card sets (1)

Blazing Assault Rivals Deck

Play formats

Cards: 6

Nemesis Rivals

Organised Play

Objectives (12)

Total glory - 16
6 | 6 | 0
0 | 0

Upgrades (10)

10 | 0

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
BL1 Strike the Head Universal Objective Score this immediately after an enemy fighter is slain by a friendly fighter if the target was a leader or the target's Health characteristic was equal to or greater than the attacker's.
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BL2 Branching Fate Universal Objective Score this immediately after you make an Attack roll that contained 3 or more dice if each result was a different symbol. If you are the underdog, the Attack roll can contain 2 or more dice instead.
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BL3 Perfect Strike Universal Objective Score this immediately after you make an Attack roll if all of the results were successes.
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BL4 Critical Effort Universal Objective Score this immediately after you make an Attack roll if any of the results was a Critical successCritical success.
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BL5 Get Stuck In Universal Objective Score this immediately after a friendly fighter's Attack if the target was in enemy territory.
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BL6 Strong Start Universal Objective Score this immediately after an enemy fighter is slain if that fighter was the first fighter slain this combat phase.
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BL7 Keep Choppin' Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband Attacked 3 or more times this combat phase.
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BL8 Fields of Blood Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if 4 or more fighters are damaged and/or slain.
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BL9 Go All Out Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if 5 or more fighters have Move and/or Charge tokens.
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BL10 On the Edge Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if any enemy fighters are vulnerable.
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BL11 Denial Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if there are no enemy fighters in friendly territory.
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BL12 Annihilation Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if each enemy fighter is slain.
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BL13 Determined Effort Universal Ploy Play this immediately after you pick a weapon as part of an Attack. That weapon has +1 Attack dice for that Attack. If you are the underdog, that weapon has +2 Attack dice for that Attack instead.
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BL14 Twist the Knife Universal Ploy Play this immediately after you pick a melee weapon as part of an Attack. That weapon has Grievous for that Attack.
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BL15 Lure of Battle Universal Ploy Pick 1 friendly fighter that is within 2 hexes of another fighter. Push the other fighter 1 hex closer to that friendly fighter.
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BL16 Sidestep Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Push that fighter 1 hex.
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BL17 Commanding Stride Universal Ploy Push your leader up to 3 hexes. That push must end in a starting hex.
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BL18 Illusory Fighter Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Remove that fighter from the battlefield, and then place that fighter in an empty starting hex in friendly territory.
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BL19 Wings of War Universal Ploy Play this immediately after you pick a fighter to Move. That fighter has +2 Move for that Move.
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BL20 Shields Up! Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Give that fighter a Guard token.
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BL21 Scream of Anger Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Inflict 2 damage on that fighter and then remove 1 of that fighter's Move or Charge tokens.
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BL22 Healing Potion Universal Ploy Pick a friendly fighter. Heal that fighter. If you are the underdog, you can roll a Save dice. On a BlockBlock or Critical successCritical success, heal that fighter again.
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BL23 Brawler Universal Upgrade This fighter cannot be Flanked or Surrounded.
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BL24 Hidden Aid Universal Upgrade Enemy fighters adjacent to this fighter are Flanked.
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BL25 Accurate Universal Upgrade Strike True: After you make an Attack roll for this fighter, you can immediately re-roll 1 Attack dice in that Attack roll.
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BL26 Great Strength Universal Upgrade This fighter's melee weapons have Grievous.
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BL27 Deadly Aim Universal Upgrade This fighter's weapons have Ensnare.
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BL28 Sharpened Points Universal Upgrade This fighter's weapons have Cleave.
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BL29 Duellist Universal Upgrade Footwork: Immediately after this fighter has Attacked, you can push this fighter 1 hex.
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BL30 Tough Universal Upgrade No more than 3 damage can be inflicted on this fighter in the same turn.
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BL31 Great Fortitude Universal Upgrade This fighter has +1 Health.
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BL32 Keen Eye Universal Upgrade This fighter's melee weapons have +1 Attack dice.
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