Shared deck

Grashrak's Despoilers Grashrak's Despoilers
Chaos Chaos

Card sets (12)

Power UnboundBeastgrave core setDirechasm core setHedkrakka's Madmob expansionEssential Cards PackSilent Menace Universal DeckArena Mortis 2 expansionHarrowdeep core setBlackpowder's Buccaneers expansionIllusory Might Universal DeckThe Exiled Dead expansionNethermaze core set

Play formats

Cards: 6 | 28 non-Rivals card/s

Relic Open

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals

Objectives (12)

Total glory - 20
6 | 5 | 1
1 | 2

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
P55 Quickening Greaves Universal Upgrade In each round, you can do one of the following: push this fighter one hex before the roll to determine who has the first activation. or push this fighter one hex after the final power step.
- - Power Unbound ? NVduplicate 3/44 (6.82%)  
B1 Bestial Cunning Grashrak's Despoilers Objective Surge: Score this immediately when you play your third or subsequent gambit in a single round.
1 - Beastgrave core set - -  
B5 Despoilers Grashrak's Despoilers Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation if your warband holds three or more objectives.
2 - Beastgrave core set - -  
B21 Vile Invaders Grashrak's Despoilers Ploy Choose up to two friendly Hunters and push them up to two hexes each.
- - Beastgrave core set - -  
B32 Trophy Taker Grashrak's Despoilers Upgrade When this fighter's Attack action takes an adjacent enemy fighter out of action, gain 1 glory point.
- Draknar Beastgrave core set - -  
B398 Great Strength Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 and Range 2 Attack actions.
- - Beastgrave core set - BGduplicate 37/44 (84.09%)  
DC272 Dominant Position Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband holds more objectives than any other warband.
2 - Direchasm core set - -  
DC366 Heeded Instinct Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter. Push the chosen fighter 1 hex, or up to 2 hexes if that fighter is a Quarry.
- - Hedkrakka's Madmob expansion - -  
DC476 Savage Soldier Universal Upgrade This fighter has the following cumulative benefits, determined by how many upgrades they have:
2+: +1 Dice to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions
4+: This fighter's Attack actions have Cleave and Ensnare.
- - Silent Menace Universal Deck - -  
DC484 Silent Ring Universal Upgrade Silent Relic
This fighter is a Quarry. If this fighter is a Quarry, this fighter has the following reaction.
Reaction: After this fighter's activation, if you have three or fewer power cards in your hand, draw one power card.
+1 Dice to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions if this fighter has two or more Silent Relics.
- - Silent Menace Universal Deck - -  
DC486 Silent Sword Universal Upgrade Silent Relic
This fighter is a Quarry.

Hex 1 HammerSmash 3 Damage 2

If this fighter is a Quarry and in no one's territory, +1 Damage to this Attack action.
This Attack action has Ensnare if this fighter has two or more Silent Relics.
- - Hedkrakka's Madmob expansion - -  
E5 Great Gains Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you scored five or more glory points in this round.
2 - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 23/44 (52.27%)  
E13 Path to Victory Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase if
One or more enemy fighters were taken out of action in the preceding action phase
And: Your warband holds two or more objectives.
2 - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 5/44 (11.36%)  
E15 Pure Carnage Universal Objective Score this in the third end phase if seven or more fighters are out of action.
3 - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 7/44 (15.91%)  
E17 Supremacy Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if your warband holds three or more objectives.
3 - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 3/44 (6.82%)  
E21 Centre of Attention Universal Ploy Choose one fighter and push each other fighter that is within 2 hexes of the chosen fighter up to 1 hex so that they are closer to the chosen fighter in an order you choose.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 19/44 (43.18%)  
E23 Confusion Universal Ploy Choose two fighters that are adjacent to each other. Place each fighter in the hex that was occupied by the other fighter when you chose them.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 3/44 (6.82%)  
E35 Mighty Swing Universal Ploy The first Range 1 Attack action made by a friendly fighter in the next activation has Scything.
- - Essential Cards Pack ? NewestDuplicate 11/44 (25%)  
E40 Sidestep Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter and push that fighter 1 hex.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 10/44 (22.73%)  
E48 Gloryseeker Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to this fighter's Attack actions that target a fighter with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or more.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 35/44 (79.55%)  
E49 Great Fortitude Universal Upgrade +1 Wounds.
- - Essential Cards Pack - NewestDuplicate 19/44 (43.18%)  
AM9 Dark Sacrifice Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after a gambit or Attack action that takes one or more friendly fighters out of action. Draw two power cards.
- - Arena Mortis 2 expansion - -  
AM21 Berserker Rage Universal Upgrade +1 Dice and +1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
During Attack actions that target this fighter, skip the defence roll in the combat sequence for that Attack action. This fighter is considered to have rolled 0 successes in their defence roll.
- - Arena Mortis 2 expansion - -  
H191 Contest of Equals Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a failed Attack action if the attack roll and the defence roll contained the same number of successes (including critical successes).
1 - Harrowdeep core set ? - 19/44 (43.18%)  
H194 Ever Downwards Universal Objective Surge, Hybrid: Score this immediately after a power step in which:
You delved three or more times
Or: You delved one or more times, and one of the feature tokens you delved was in a hex in enemy territory and occupied by your leader.
1 - The Exiled Dead expansion - - 2/44 (4.55%)  
H199 Find a Path Universal Objective Hybrid: Score this in an end phase if:
Two or more friendly fighters are in edge hexes that are not in your territory
Or: One or more friendly hunters are in edge hexes in enemy territory.
1 - Blackpowder's Buccaneers expansion - -  
H220 Reckless Swing Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation step in which a friendly fighter made a Range 1 Attack action that targeted a fighter with more supporting fighters than the attacker.
1 - Harrowdeep core set - - 6/44 (13.64%)  
H233 Cover of Darkness Universal Ploy Pick one:
Gambits cannot deal damage. This effect persists until the end of the next power step.
Or: Push one friendly fighter up to 2 hexes into a cover hex.
- - Illusory Might Universal Deck ? -  
NM225 Sudden Revelation Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after a power step if your warband flipped two or more feature tokens in that power step.
1 - Nethermaze core set - - 6/44 (13.64%)  
NM236 Dark Inversion Universal Ploy Pick two feature tokens in empty hexes. Place each feature token in the hex the other feature token was in when you picked them.
- - Nethermaze core set - - 4/44 (9.09%)  
NM261 Swarming Darkness Universal Ploy Choose one friendly fighter and pick one feature token within 3 hexes of that fighter. If that feature token is an objective token, flip it. Otherwise move that feature token 1 hex towards that fighter.
- - Nethermaze core set - -  
NM295 Nether Defence Universal Upgrade +1 Defence if this fighter is in a cover hex. This fighter cannot be on Guard.
- - Nethermaze core set - -