
Magore's Fiends Magore's Fiends
Chaos Chaos

Card sets (9)

Core setSepulchral Guard expansionThe Chosen Axes expansionSpiteclaw's Swarm expansionMagore's Fiends expansionThe Farstriders expansionEyes of the Nine expansionZarbag's Gitz expansionSteelheart's Champions expansion

Play formats

Cards: 8 | 26 non-Rivals card/s

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals Relic Open

Objectives (12)

Total glory - 20
8 | 3 | 1
0 | 0

Upgrades (11)

9 | 2

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
175 All the Better to Slay Them Magore's Fiends Objective Score this immediately if all friendly fighters (at least three) are adjacent to a different enemy fighter.
1 - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
178 Khorne Sees Us Magore's Fiends Objective Score this immediately if your warband takes two or more enemy fighters out of action in a phase. (Able to be scored if you draw this card after the condition was met).
1 - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
180 No Escape Magore's Fiends Objective Score this immediately if three or more of your fighters made a Charge action this phase. (Able to be scored if you draw this card after the condition was met).
1 - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
183 Show of Strength Magore's Fiends Objective Score this immediately if your leader takes an enemy fighter out of action.
1 - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
184 Blood Frenzy Magore's Fiends Ploy Reaction: Play this after an Attack action or ploy that takes a fighter out of action. Roll one extra attack dice for the first Attack action in the next activation. Both HammerSmash and SwordFury are successes for that Attack action.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
190 Furious Inspiration Magore's Fiends Ploy Choose a friendly fighter. The become Inspired.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
194 Brutal Charge Magore's Fiends Upgrade Roll an extra attack dice when this fighter makes a Charge action.
- Magore Redhand, Ghartok Flayskull, Zharkus the Bloodsighted Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
201 Trophy Hunter Magore's Fiends Upgrade When this fighter takes an enemy fighter out of action, gain 1 additional glory point.
- Magore Redhand Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
234 Advancing Strike Universal Objective Score this immediately when your warband takes an enemy fighter standing in enemy territory out of action.
1 - The Farstriders expansion - -  
236 Annihilation Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if all enemy fighters have been taken out of action.
5 - Core set - SSduplicate  
250 Crushing Force Universal Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter makes a successful attack that deals at least twice as much damage as is needed to take their target out of action.
1 - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
253 Denial Universal Objective Score this in the third end phase if there are no enemy fighters in your territory.
3 - Core set - SSduplicate  
257 Escalation Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if three or more upgrade cards were played in the preceding action phase.
2 - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion ? -  
327 Fuelled by Fury Universal Ploy You can re-roll any attack dice for the first friendly fighter's Attack action in the next activation.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion ? -  
331 Hidden Paths Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter that hasn't made a Move action this phase and is on any edge hex. Place them on any other edge hex. They are considered to have made a Move action.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion ? -  
334 Inspiration Strikes Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter. They become Inspired.
- - The Farstriders expansion ? -  
343 My Turn Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after an Attack action or ploy that damages a friendly fighter. Push them up to one hex and make an Attack action with them.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion ? -  
347 Quick Thinker Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after an enemy fighter's Move action. Make a Move action with a friendly fighter who has not already made a Move action in this phase.
- - The Farstriders expansion - -  
348 Ready for Action Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after you upgrade a fighter in an action phase. They can make a Move or Attack action.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion ? -  
369 Trap Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this during a friendly fighter's Attack action that drives an enemy fighter back. The enemy fighter suffers 1 damage.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion ? -  
372 Twist the Knife Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this during a friendly fighter's Attack action that has a Range of 1 and will succeed. It has +1 Damage for that Attack action.
- - The Farstriders expansion - -  
376 Awakened Weapon Universal Upgrade You can re-roll one attack dice each time this fighter makes an Attack action.
- - Spiteclaw's Swarm expansion - -  
391 Great Strength Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to all Attack actions with a Range of 1 or 2.
- - Core set - SSduplicate 37/44 (84.09%)  
393 Helpful Whispers Universal Upgrade If this fighter has no adjacent friendly fighters, rolls of Single SupportSingle support are a success when they make an Attack action.
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion - -  
395 Incredible Strength Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to all Attack actions with a Range of 1 or 2.
- - The Farstriders expansion - -  
420 Soultrap Universal Upgrade Reaction: During an Attack action or ploy that takes this fighter out of action, roll a defence dice. If you roll a BlockBlock or Critical successCritical success they suffer no damage and are not taken out of action, and you discard this upgrade.
- - Sepulchral Guard expansion ? -  
424 Tethered Spirit Universal Upgrade (Errata update) Reaction: During an Attack action or ploy that takes this fighter out of action, roll a defence dice. If you roll a BlockBlock or Critical successCritical success place them on any starting hex in your territory, ignore the damage and discard this upgrade (they cannot be driven back). If you cannot, they are taken out of action.
- - Magore's Fiends expansion - -  
431 Total Offence Universal Upgrade (Errata update) When this fighter makes their first Attack action in an activation or power step (other than an Attack action made as part of a Charge action), you can choose for that Attack action to have +2 Dice. If you do, this fighter cannot be activated again this phase.
- - Core set - -  
N305 Combination Strike Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you scored at least two objective cards in the preceding action phase.
2 - Steelheart's Champions expansion - -  
N373 Strong Start Universal Objective Score this immediately if the first fighter taken out of action in this round is an enemy fighter.
1 - Steelheart's Champions expansion ? NVduplicate  
N385 What Armour? Universal Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter's Attack action with Cleave succeeds.
1 - Eyes of the Nine expansion - -  
N436 Pit Trap Universal Ploy Reaction: Play this after an Attack action that drives an enemy fighter back. They suffer 1 damage.
- - Zarbag's Gitz expansion - -  
N528 Potion of Grace Universal Upgrade Reaction: After a Move token is placed next to this fighter, discard this card. Remove that token.
- - Steelheart's Champions expansion - NVduplicate  
N529 Potion of Rage Universal Upgrade Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, before any dice are rolled, discard this card. The Attack action has +2 Dice until the action is resolved.
- - Zarbag's Gitz expansion ? -