Shared deck

The Chosen Axes The Chosen Axes
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Card sets (8)

The Chosen Axes expansionNightvault core setZarbag's Gitz expansionMollog's Mob expansionThundrik's Profiteers expansionThe Grymwatch expansionRippa's Snarlfangs expansionThe Wurmspat expansion

Play formats

Cards: 5 | 20 non-Rivals card/s

Not valid:
Championship Nemesis Rivals Relic Open

Objectives (10)

Total glory - 14
5 | 5 | 0
2 | 0

# Name Name Faction Type Description Glory Restricted Set FAQ Tags TDC Popularity
117 A Claim Retaken The Chosen Axes Objective Score this in an end phase if a friendly fighter holds an objective that an enemy fighter held at the beginning of the preceding action phase.
2 - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
119 Ferocious Charge The Chosen Axes Objective Score this immediately if a friendly fighter takes an enemy fighter out of action with a Charge action.
1 - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
124 Scion of Grimnir The Chosen Axes Objective Score this immediately if your leader takes an enemy fighter out of action.
1 - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
125 Unstoppable Advance The Chosen Axes Objective Score this in an end phase if all of your surviving fighters are in enemy territory.
2 - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
127 Indomitable The Chosen Axes Ploy The first time a friendly fighter suffers damage in the next activation, they only suffer 1 damage.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
129 Oathsworn The Chosen Axes Ploy Reaction: Play this after a friendly fighter's Attack action that fails. That fighter can make another Attack action that targets the same fighter.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
132 The Earth Shakes The Chosen Axes Ploy Choose a fighter and push them one hex.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
133 Treasure-lust The Chosen Axes Ploy Choose a friendly fighter and push them up to three hexes. They must end up holding an objective.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
136 Activated Runes The Chosen Axes Upgrade Each time this fighter make an Attack action, you can re-roll one dice.
- - The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
143 Grimnir's Speed The Chosen Axes Upgrade +2 Move.
- Fjul-Grimnir The Chosen Axes expansion - -  
N299 Branching Fate Universal Objective Score this immediately if you roll three or more dice in an attack or defence roll and they all show a different symbol.
1 - Thundrik's Profiteers expansion - NVduplicate 7/37 (18.92%)  
N303 Catching Up Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you have fewer glory points than an opponent.
1 - Zarbag's Gitz expansion - -  
N368 Solid Gains Universal Objective Score this in an end phase if you gained at least 3 glory points in this round.
1 - Zarbag's Gitz expansion - -  
N444 Shadowed Step Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter with no Move or Charge tokens and place them on an empty hex in no one's territory. Place a Move token next to them.
- - Mollog's Mob expansion - -  
N445 Shifting Reflection Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter and an enemy fighter that are both holding an objective. Switch those fighters' positions.
- - Thundrik's Profiteers expansion - -  
N446 Sidestep Universal Ploy Choose a friendly fighter and push them one hex.
- - Nightvault core set - NVduplicate 9/37 (24.32%)  
N499 Faneway Crystal Universal Upgrade When this fighter makes a Move action, they do not move normally. Instead, place them on any objective token, then discard this card. It is still considered to be a Move action.
- - Zarbag's Gitz expansion ? -  
N504 Great Fortitude Universal Upgrade +1 Wounds.
- - Nightvault core set - NVduplicate 17/37 (45.95%)  
N505 Great Speed Universal Upgrade +1 Move.
- - Nightvault core set - NVduplicate  
N506 Great Strength Universal Upgrade +1 Damage to all Attack actions with a Range of 1 or 2.
- - Nightvault core set - NVduplicate 31/37 (83.78%)  
N529 Potion of Rage Universal Upgrade Reaction: During this fighter's Attack action, before any dice are rolled, discard this card. The Attack action has +2 Dice until the action is resolved.
- - Zarbag's Gitz expansion ? -  
B295 Path to Victory Universal Objective Dual: Score this in an end phase
If: One or more enemy fighters were taken out of action in the previous phase
And: Your warband holds two or more objectives.
2 - The Grymwatch expansion - BGduplicate 5/37 (13.51%)  
B306 Swift Capture Universal Objective Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after an activation
If: Your warband holds one or more objectives in friendly territory
And: Your warband holds one or more objectives in enemy territory.
1 - The Grymwatch expansion - -  
B308 Temporary Victory Universal Objective Surge: Score this immediately after an activation if your warband holds three or more objectives.
2 - Rippa's Snarlfangs expansion - -  
B341 Frenzied Search Universal Ploy Play this only if your warband holds one or more objectives. Discard one power card. If you do, draw up to three power cards.
- - The Grymwatch expansion - -  
B359 Nightmare in the Shadows Universal Ploy Choose one enemy fighter and push them 1 hex.
- - The Wurmspat expansion - -  
B363 Restless Prize Universal Ploy Pick one objective token and move it into an adjacent hex up to two times. You cannot move it into a lethal hex or a hex that includes a feature token.
- - The Grymwatch expansion - -  
B411 Larval Lance Universal Upgrade

Hex 2 HammerSmash - Damage -

This Attack action's Dice and Damage characteristics are equal to the current round number (e.g. 1 in the first round). They cannot be modified.
- - The Grymwatch expansion ? -  
B427 Sting of the Ur-Grub Universal Upgrade Ur-grub Aspect
+1 Damage to this fighter's Range 1 Attack actions.
If this fighter has three or more Ur-grub Aspects, remove those cards from the game (they do not go into a discard pile) and give the Avatar of the Ur-grub upgrade to this fighter.
- - Rippa's Snarlfangs expansion - -  
B431 Survival Instincts Universal Upgrade This fighter is a Quarry. If this fighter is a Quarry, this fighter is on Guard.
- - The Grymwatch expansion ? -